Is this a virus ????

Mar 5, 2004
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I'll try and explain this the best I can...........

I've got a laptop with Windows XP which i've had for 4 years and never had a virus. I'm running AVG and Windows Defender. It has always been a very stable laptop and I've never had any serious problems with it.

I said to my friend I'd help him try and recover lost data from his hard drive. I took his hard drive and put it in an external caddy and ran quite a few recovery tools. I recovered a lot of files from his hard drive to my external hard drive. When I looked in the directories most of the files looked like rubbish so I deleted the directories from his drive and mine.

However, now my computer is saying it can not recognise my external hard drive. It sees my friends drive alright. My one also works on my work computer.

More worryingly though, my computer seems unable to connect to the wireless internet we have in the house. Everyone else in the house can connect alright. My one just refuses to connect.

I have just given my friend his external (formatted) hard drive back. He said that the problems on his computer started when it wouldn't connect to the internet and then the computer eventually packed in.

So, my question is, does this sound like a virus or a coincedence???? Has anyone come across this before?


oh brother

You need something better than AVG ... :nod:

You did take a backup of your HD before "playin" Russian Rulet ?

Better pop along to a couple of online AV scanners, then download Superantispyware & Malwarebytes ... oh, and get rid of that crappy AV program.

You can post a HJT log and I'll take look, if you are infected with anything, then your off to BC. :wave:

What does "off to BC mean"? I'm assuming it's not good!!

I will do a HJT log and post it here for you to take a look at.

Does this sound like a virus? What's the best thing to do? Try and fix it using online AV scanners etc?

Oh, and I meant to say, my back up was on the my external hard drive which is now not working. Brilliant!!
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"off to BC mean"?
Off to BleepingComputers :p

Yeah, post a HJT log here first, if I see anything then offt you go to the pros ... :thumb:

Hey Mucks,

Good to have you, and your help back on the forum!! :-)

I have downloaded Hijack this from my work computer (as i dont have internet at home) and I'll run it and post what I find. I will also run an online virus checker if that's what you think is best, do you have any you would recommend?

I'll also download superantispyware etc etc.

Thanks for your help, much appreciated as all my photos etc are on the hard drive, and while they are there at the moment, it would be a nightmare if this virus did some real damage!!
