Is this a address bar search Hijack

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Hi Verl,

First up, to test if this is being caused by an addon, try running IE7 in
no-Addons mode. Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Internet Explorer
(no-Addons), woops.... before you do that change your default search
provider to something else.

It could be that an addon is hijacking the search url of the live search
provider each time the browser is loaded

The built-in search from the Address Bar in IE7 uses the default search
provider from the search box (right of the Address bar in IE7). To test if
your live search has been hijacked, type your search in the search box
instead of the Address bar. If it goes to finderactive then you know that it
has been hijacked. (It may display live as the search provider but the
search address has been changed)

If you go to Tools>Internet Options - General tab, Search, Settings button
you can inspect the values for your search providers by hovering your mouse
of the top of each entry in the list. You can remove any unwanted entries.

Alternatively you can search your registry for values containing and delete the entry from there.

As a last resort (this will disable all of your addons, delete all of your
search provides and reset all of your security zones) you can use the Reset
button on the Advanced tab of Internet Options.

If you find that an addon is hijacking the live search url then we would be
most interested, so please post back your findings.

It's a fresh install of XP Home it hasn't even been registered yet and do not
run IE7 but IE6 and all I did was installed a few progs that I knew was safe
and it is not in the registry either, all addons are turned off, search will
not reset to default and all settings for IE6 in the registry have been reset
manually, running spybot, winpatrol, live onecare, and BHODeamon. and even
ran Trends Home Call and nothing finds it.
So if you have any more thoughts other than reinstalling XP I'm all ears.

Verl said:
It's a fresh install of XP Home it hasn't even been registered yet and do
not run IE7 but IE6 and all I did was installed a few progs that I knew
was safe and it is not in the registry either, all addons are turned off,
search will not reset to default and all settings for IE6 in the registry
have been reset manually, running spybot, winpatrol, live onecare, and
BHODeamon. and even ran Trends Home Call and nothing finds it.
So if you have any more thoughts other than reinstalling XP I'm all ears.

"Checking for/Help with Spyware, Malware and Hijackware".

When all else fails, Hijackthis v1.99.1 is the preferred tool to use. It
will help you to both identify and remove any hijackware/spyware.

Download: Link:

Post your log to:,
or other appropriate forums for expert analysis, *not here* !

If the procedures look too complex - and there is no shame in admitting this
isn't your cup of tea - take the machine to a local, reputable and
independent (i.e., not BigBoxStoreUSA) computer repair shop.

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer since 2003
My home:
My Blog:
Hi Verl,

Sorry for my err.... which news group am I in? mistake....Vincenzo's advice

HiJack This does not find it either. Next


Rob ^_^ said:
Hi Verl,

Sorry for my err.... which news group am I in? mistake....Vincenzo's advice
