Is there such a thing as a WHITE FLOPPY?

Dec 30, 2005
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Ive got a P150 case, and Ive ordered 3 Floppy's now to fit it, all advertised as 'WHITE' yet all turned up as Beige/Ivory/Creme etc etc.

2 were from eBAY and one from a very well known modding site who have since changed the advert on their site after I pointed out the WHITE FDD wasn't WHITE and who I will reveal the address of if they don't give me compensation for decieveing me LOL.

Seriously though, does anyone anywhere on this planet actually make WHITE FDD drives? They must be like the white Rhino or the White Bengal Tiger.
i've never seen one, why not just pop the bezel off and spray it ?
Me__2001 said:
i've never seen one, why not just pop the bezel off and spray it ?

Me and spray cans shouldn't mix, I used to be a Graffer and I don't wanna start that again, first it'll be a white FDD, then next thing you know after 5 pints of guiness I'll be spraying a mural on the Northampton Crown Court buildings.
A white floppy?

Last time I looked it was still white :D

Don't be a wuss, break out a spray can cos what you want don't exist.
Nope I doubt you will find a white Floppy/DVD/CD drive/bezel, as when in production of plastics/moulding a slight discolouration occurs due to the crystals used at the meltdown operation stage hence it is more likely to discolour white than darker colours.;)
spiderIPC said:
Ive got a P150 case, and Ive ordered 3 Floppy's now to fit it, all advertised as 'WHITE' yet all turned up as Beige/Ivory/Creme etc etc.

2 were from eBAY and one from a very well known modding site who have since changed the advert on their site after I pointed out the WHITE FDD wasn't WHITE and who I will reveal the address of if they don't give me compensation for decieveing me LOL.

Seriously though, does anyone anywhere on this planet actually make WHITE FDD drives? They must be like the white Rhino or the White Bengal Tiger.
Well it is a stupid case ... and it is NOT white but Pearly white ... which, does not exist.

PotGuy said:

how on earth do you know that!
Go on ItsMe, give him the full answer, but please try not to use words of more than 10 syllables or I will get totally confused;)
muckshifter said:
Well it is a stupid case ... and it is NOT white but Pearly white ... which, does not exist.


Pearly white is produced by adding > additive to white this creates an illusion. now for all the facts to be known White is NOT a colour> as in Black> green>Etc White is the base for all colours yes even black> now take silver as an example to get the correct colour for a lets say a Car it can take hours to get a near exact match, if you have a car and had a wing>door resprayed and you think its a good match? think again? now to accertain a good match do this[ you will not get a perfect match] look at the resprayed section of the vehicle in the night and look at an angle to a distant street lamp or similar then you will see what I mean? the origonal paint will look dull in apperance and a different colour;)
White is NOT a colour
Merely a descriptive representative interpretation to describe something ... What is colour?


*someone else correct the spelling* Done -fbs
muckshifter said:
Merely a descriptive respresentative interpitation to describe something ... What is colour?


*someone else correct the spelling*

Hey if your afraid of spray cans, with some patience and white out you can get the job done.
Raje said:
Hey if your afraid of spray cans, with some patience and white out you can get the job done.

that would look very....messy jus get a spray can come on dont b afraid!