try this, swiped from a post to another microsoft newsgroup:
in outlook express....
1. Tools=>Accounts=>News=>Add=>News...
2. Type the name you want to appear on the
from line of messages you write, and click [Next]
3. Type the email address you want to appear
as part of the from line of message you write
and click next.
4. Type as the name of
the news server, and click [Next]
(the server does not require you to log in)
5. In the next dialog click [Finish] and Outlook
Express will setup the account (takes a minute
or so).
6. Clic [Close] on the 'Accounts' dialog and say
yes when asked if you'd like to download a list
of available newsgroups (there are approximately
1,800 Microsoft newsgroups on their server).
7. Double click each group you'd like to subscribe
to (have listed in Outlook Express) and you're
on your way.