Someone posted this in another group and on the surface it seems
simply ridiculous. Essentially what she's saying, is that you can
approximate the data transfer rate of a 15,000 RPM SCSI drive if you
use an IDE drive of double the storage capacity and half the rotation
speed. Is there anything to this at all?
---- Quoted Text ----
All other things being equal, a 74 GB 15,000 rpm drive would
have about the same data transfer speed as a 350 GB 7,200
rpm drive.
IOW you should be able to approximate the kick of a 74 GB
15,000 rpm drive with a common 250 GB 7200 rpm drive, and
have the benefit of an extra 176 GB for storing data.
--- End
simply ridiculous. Essentially what she's saying, is that you can
approximate the data transfer rate of a 15,000 RPM SCSI drive if you
use an IDE drive of double the storage capacity and half the rotation
speed. Is there anything to this at all?
---- Quoted Text ----
All other things being equal, a 74 GB 15,000 rpm drive would
have about the same data transfer speed as a 350 GB 7,200
rpm drive.
IOW you should be able to approximate the kick of a 74 GB
15,000 rpm drive with a common 250 GB 7200 rpm drive, and
have the benefit of an extra 176 GB for storing data.
--- End