I have no clue about your MSMQ question other than to say that FBA logs
usually have a number of benign error messages in them. I wouldn't worry if
your device is performing as expected.
I went back in my newsgroup history and found this question of yours:
I am trying to create a dual boot on two partions on the same HD. The first
will be the WES image (FBA completed) and the second will have the recovery
image of the first partition (WES image). I have read a lot of information
on line but none have addressed this. The recovery partition will restore
the original image of the first partition back to original setting in case
the first partition or the WES OS gets currupted. I have to say that I am
still learning and I appreciate step by step instructions if at all
I do have a bootable PE on a USB TD with all the files necessary to boot
restore the image on the first partition of the HD via scripts and batch
files. I need help setting up the hard drive partitions and the boot.ini
info. Any help is greatly appreciated. I have read the article 14
win pe and xp), and it did not work.
I suggest something simpler. After FBA on the first partition simply make
an SDI image of that partition. You won't need a dedicated partition and
you can keep your backup in a convenient safe place such as on a DVD or a
thumb drive. Working with SDI images is pretty well documented. Basically
you will use create a new SDI file and use the "readpart" option in a second
SDI command to populate it. If you need to restore the partition you will
use the "writepart" option to copy the image contents to the partition.
Note also that you can mount the image as a virtual disk and it will be as
useful as the original partition.
I also found this question:
How to you upgrade from trial version of WES to full version? No help from
MS at all. No documentation that is worth anything. Two days of search for
info and no result.
Frankly I believe that if you really searched for two days maybe people
thought you should be sharpening your search skills rather than tackling WES

The answer simply is that you buy the licensed version from a dealer
for about $1K, not including run-time licenses that are about $90 each.
BSquare is one dealer that comes to mind.