I need a table showing how these map to each other. Also if I use
sqltypes do I have to cast a string to a SqlString when I retrieve it
from a Web Control? I'm looking for optimal speed in our web app, and
I've read the sqltypes are faster than system types, but I'm concerned
with boxing and unboxing during type conversions. Currenly we map
strings to varchar's, datetime to sqldatetime etc. What is the faster
Can anyone clarify this for me?
Much appreciated
sqltypes do I have to cast a string to a SqlString when I retrieve it
from a Web Control? I'm looking for optimal speed in our web app, and
I've read the sqltypes are faster than system types, but I'm concerned
with boxing and unboxing during type conversions. Currenly we map
strings to varchar's, datetime to sqldatetime etc. What is the faster
Can anyone clarify this for me?
Much appreciated