is there any way to share a hash table between aspx sessions? can application variable do this or is

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daniel
  • Start date Start date


right now i have some sql server tables that i search for a value w/ a key
each time a .aspx is hit. is there any way i can just have the first hit to
the .aspx select all the entries from the key/value table in to some kind of
hash table so that subsequent hits to the .aspx get the data from the hash
table instead of the database? e.g. is there any way to share a hash table
between aspx sessions? can application variable do this or is there
something else to use?
Hi Daniel,
If you are definite (now and also into the future) that your IIS will ever
be run on ONE server, as oppose to multi-server setup where they all share
the load, then I would retrieve all the relevant info and build an XML file
out of it, then put it into a Session variable (preferably in Global.asax at
Session_Start). Then for every .aspx page, either load the XML into an
XMLDocument or a DataSet for retrieval.
I'm no expert in Dot NET but that's my 5 cents worth.

You are kidding right?
If you are definite (now and also into the future) that your IIS will ever
be run on ONE server, as oppose to multi-server setup where they all share
the load,
I think you posted to the wrong response to the wrong thread... im hoping
that was just a misspost lol
I'm not realy sure how to be more clear here how about this:

Can you share a hash table between aspx sessions?

I would use HttpApplicationState as this "Enables sharing of global
information across multiple sessions and requests within an ASP.NET


Daniel Roth