Hey there,
Reading review sites (Tom's Hardware, for lack of something more in
depth on printers), I hear that color images made with the newer Canon
printers (eg. i850) turn magenta *very* quickly when exposed to air -
much faster than those printed with HPs or Epsons.
It's a pity because I had the impression that the Canons i850 made the
best looking photo and text/images prints for the 150-200$ price
range. (HP was quite fine too, but 2x as expensive after a while)
Is there any way around this, perhaps by buying Ink from 3rd parties?
Would that nessecarily make the prints look worse?
P.S. I'll link the review here:
for pics and
for a brief mention of the Canon fading problem
I'd appreciate you pointing me to better sites, too, if you know any.
Reading review sites (Tom's Hardware, for lack of something more in
depth on printers), I hear that color images made with the newer Canon
printers (eg. i850) turn magenta *very* quickly when exposed to air -
much faster than those printed with HPs or Epsons.
It's a pity because I had the impression that the Canons i850 made the
best looking photo and text/images prints for the 150-200$ price
range. (HP was quite fine too, but 2x as expensive after a while)
Is there any way around this, perhaps by buying Ink from 3rd parties?
Would that nessecarily make the prints look worse?
P.S. I'll link the review here:
for pics and
for a brief mention of the Canon fading problem
I'd appreciate you pointing me to better sites, too, if you know any.