Why? Is someone holding a gun to your head?
This is how it went. I was using 2003 just fine. 2005 comes out, so our
company upgrades. We want the newest stuff because UPGRADES typically fix
any old problems and bugs.
I then took the 'old' source and decided to now use 2005. What's this? It
wants to convert my 2003 source to 2005 format, and tells me there is no way
to reverse? Ok, that's fine, no problem. Then, guess what? It doesn't
compile because its not backwards compatible...
Yes, I still have backups of the 2003 version, and I could use them. BUT -
MS has announced that 'gc' has been deprecated. So, if I continue to use
2003 MS has aggresively announced they won't support my code in the near
So, YES, there IS a gun being held to my head in this matter... : )
The old syntax is still supported...
.... but has been deprecated by MS, and 'deprecated' mean 'will not be
supported in the near future'. So if I choose not to learn the syntax of
2005 MS says I'm on my own...
Egad.... then I daresay you haven't had much experience putting out a
product that is widely used. There is a natural conflict between
Yeah, only 20+ published computer games, some of which have sold
platinum...lol I've been designing and programming now for 36 years. One
of my computer game projects took 5 years (that should have taken 2 years)
because CPU's kept upgrading:
286 -> 386 -> 486 -> Pentium
Now this can happen becuase languages change. That's not good...
Didn't MS say this about 'gc' syntax too? : )
PS - Like I said, I do love the new syntax, but I now have at least three
different syntax's running around in my head and like 50,000 lines of
library tool code that has seen all three versions. Had they just skipped
'gc' and gone directly to 'CLI' I'd have been mch happier. But hey, I like
product testing (and paying $1000's for the privilege for upgrades) so MS
can get it right... LOL
Seriously, I do think MS is doing a good job here with CLI and the way all
of the languages (VB, C++, J#, and C#) use a common basis. Just they could
have been more forthcoming about how 2003 won't compile under 2005 without