Is There Any Hope?

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Yesterday, my computer blanked out and started a funny noise with the on
button flashing. I tried to shut it down, but it wouldn't. When I got a
"hot" burning smell, I pulled all the plugs real quick! Is there any hope
that my hard drive is still there? If not, my second questions is should I
get Windows Vista instead of the XP that I am used to..? I have been reading
(on my husband's computer) that my old programs won't work.... I luckily
saved my family tree just last week, but if Vista won't accept the program,
that too will be "lost" to me... any suggestions? Thanks!
First find the source of the burning.
The hard drive is probably not the source so your data is probably
The more probable sources are power supply and motherboard.

As for moving to Windows Vista, that depends on your needs and what
you currently have.
Check with the manufacturers of your essential hardware and software
for Windows Vista Compatibility.
Most older programs will work but some will not while others may need
upgrades or patches.

If Windows XP is retail, you can move that to a new computer if
I agree with JJ - it is unlikely that your hard disk was what caused the
smell, so your data is most likely safe.

HOWEVER, there is a real risk of ruining everything after you've repaired
the computer - the technician may decide to reformat the disk, in which case
it's goodbye data.

If you want to go the Vista route, I strongly recommend taking out the
existing hard disk, fitting a new one, installing Vista and getting it all
going first. Then connect up your old hard disk and copy the data over.

Yesterday, my computer blanked out and started a funny noise with the on
button flashing. I tried to shut it down, but it wouldn't. When I got a
"hot" burning smell, I pulled all the plugs real quick!

Many generic power supplies bundled with PC's and cases are
of poor quality, and have been known to cause fires.
It pays to buy quality, particularly if thinking of Vista, it will come
with all the necessary connectors.
If it is the PSU that's fried, the mobo does't look scorched
and burnt, unhook your HD, put in a new PSU, hit DEL to
see if it a comes up, and if you can get into BIOS setup.
If you have a bootable floppy, or can get someone to
make you one, set BIOS to boot from floppy.
If you can get into BIOS and boot from a floppy you are
pretty well home and dry, the next step is to see if BIOS
setup sees your HD when you plug it in again.
Unhook the HD means both connectors, a faulty
HD may have an internal power supply fault, or a
controller fault, either of which can stop booting.
So connect power plug if it still gets to BIOS setup,
then try with HD data connector connected.
A lot of programs and peripherals that work
under XP don't under Vista, mfrs are unlikely to
produce Vista drivers for 10 year old scanners,
or 12 year old lasers. Some program installers
say contact the program vendor for a 64-bit version.
IF Vista is a success, then in a few years time you may
wish you had chosen Vista.
Yes. Especially Emachine models T2542 and T2642 with Imperial GV
motherboards. The sputtering of the switch button was the give away.
Typically when this happens the failing poor quality power supplies in these
units burn out the motherboard. A lot of people are angry about this and
there has been some talk of a class action suit, but it seems unlikely.
There is a good chance that your hard drive was not damaged and that data is

There is a slim change that you stopped it fast enough to preserve the
motherboard. You would have to replace the power supply to see. Most
likely the mb is fried and you would have be replaced as well. It's
questionable whether it's worth it.

I'm not clear re. your Vista question. Are you asking which you should
get if you fix that computer or with a new one? Vista may very possibly be
able to run the program you mention, but that's not guaranteed. If
possible, check with the software manufacturer. If you give the name
someone here might also have an idea.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INFORMATION! My e-machine is a T-1840, so sounds
older than the numbers you mention. I was going to get a new computer, and
don't know whether to try Vista with the problem of old software possibly not
working, or try to find a new computer that still has Windows XP. I am
hoping that the hard drive on the old one is still able to be salvaged and my
data transferred to the new computer. Although.... I don't know where to go
for this to be done, or even where to have the old hard drive checked....
???? I am somewhat computer literate, but some of the prior messages leave
me asking..." WHAT"....????
You're welcome.

Any decent technician should be able to check your old hard drive and
retrieve the data if it's not damaged. For example, I usually do this by
connecting the drive via a USB adaptor or as a slave drive in a service
computer and then burning data files to CD's or DVD's or transferring them
directly to the client's new computer as applicable. It would be best to
avoid big PC/Appliance store type service operations and look for a local
service operation. If the drive is damaged, there are other possibilities
but that can get prohibitively expensive.

Good luck.

Bunbear said:
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INFORMATION! My e-machine is a T-1840, so
older than the numbers you mention. I was going to get a new computer,
don't know whether to try Vista with the problem of old software possibly
working, or try to find a new computer that still has Windows XP. I am
hoping that the hard drive on the old one is still able to be salvaged and
data transferred to the new computer. Although.... I don't know where to
for this to be done, or even where to have the old hard drive checked....
???? I am somewhat computer literate, but some of the prior messages
me asking..." WHAT"....????
Yesterday, my computer blanked out and started a funny noise with the on
button flashing. I tried to shut it down, but it wouldn't. When I got a
"hot" burning smell, I pulled all the plugs real quick! Is there any hope
that my hard drive is still there? If not, my second questions is should I
get Windows Vista instead of the XP that I am used to..? I have been reading
(on my husband's computer) that my old programs won't work.... I luckily
saved my family tree just last week, but if Vista won't accept the program,
that too will be "lost" to me... any suggestions? Thanks!

More than likely just the power supply, and your hard drive should be
ok. As far as upgrading to Vista, there is no reason to. Most
companies are still supporting Xp on their new products. Toshiba is
the only one I know of that doesn't support Xp on their new stuff.