I have written a VB.Net program. This program has a ConetxtMenu1.
ContextMenu1 is very big and has many levels. There are so many procedures
and depending upon the logic many times a menu item would be visible or
I have noticed that in one procedure I am setting the value of a menuitem's
visible property as TRUE but still it is invisible in the Menu.
I have even tested by putting the last statement of the procedure which
executes (opens) the contextmenu as menuitem15.visible = true. So to
understand the structure of the code is :
code line 1
code line 2
code line 100
me.contextmenu.show(me.button1, new point(0,0) ------------------- this is
second last line of the code
menuitem15.visible = 15 ----------------- this last line of the code
So the menus opens but still the menutime15 is not visible. Whatever might
be written in the code between line 1 to line 100 (i.e. whether menutime15
is set to visilble or hidden) it should be visible becaue the last line of
the code make it visible.)
I have spent 10 hours in solving this..........................whether this
is a bug?
Thanks in advace!
ContextMenu1 is very big and has many levels. There are so many procedures
and depending upon the logic many times a menu item would be visible or
I have noticed that in one procedure I am setting the value of a menuitem's
visible property as TRUE but still it is invisible in the Menu.
I have even tested by putting the last statement of the procedure which
executes (opens) the contextmenu as menuitem15.visible = true. So to
understand the structure of the code is :
code line 1
code line 2
code line 100
me.contextmenu.show(me.button1, new point(0,0) ------------------- this is
second last line of the code
menuitem15.visible = 15 ----------------- this last line of the code
So the menus opens but still the menutime15 is not visible. Whatever might
be written in the code between line 1 to line 100 (i.e. whether menutime15
is set to visilble or hidden) it should be visible becaue the last line of
the code make it visible.)
I have spent 10 hours in solving this..........................whether this
is a bug?
Thanks in advace!