Coming from a VB programming background, I expect the form size in Form View
to be that same as I set in Design View. What I get instead is extra space
on the right and bottom. Lots of it. So I have to resize the window that the
form resides in, compensating for the scroll bar widths, but that still isn't
quite right.
This is a trial-and-error process at best, and is a waste of time always.
I’ve set Auto Resize to No, but that doesn’t help.
The details section is the only part of the form showing (no headers or
footers). I’m using the form as a pop-up dialog, and both those settings are
set accordingly.
Why is this so difficult?
to be that same as I set in Design View. What I get instead is extra space
on the right and bottom. Lots of it. So I have to resize the window that the
form resides in, compensating for the scroll bar widths, but that still isn't
quite right.
This is a trial-and-error process at best, and is a waste of time always.
I’ve set Auto Resize to No, but that doesn’t help.
The details section is the only part of the form showing (no headers or
footers). I’m using the form as a pop-up dialog, and both those settings are
set accordingly.
Why is this so difficult?