I'm shopping around for a video card and want something to replace my
geforce 5700le.
The All in Wonder seems cool because I can use my machine as a DVR. Is
this the right move to make if gaming is my primary concern?
Also is there a recent generation of the AIW that is AGP?
(Yes I should upgrade my motherboard to support PCI-e I know but that
means replacing my 1gb of RAM also and I'd like to hold off for a
geforce 5700le.
The All in Wonder seems cool because I can use my machine as a DVR. Is
this the right move to make if gaming is my primary concern?
Also is there a recent generation of the AIW that is AGP?
(Yes I should upgrade my motherboard to support PCI-e I know but that
means replacing my 1gb of RAM also and I'd like to hold off for a