Thanks. I was hoping for a site that had decent photo's along with
Text can easily be misunderstood, but with a photo often very clear.
For example, With my current computer that I just built I couldn't line up
the MoBo holes with the case holes.
Wound up stripping 3 of the 6 screws so I had an insecurely mounted MoBo. No
support on the part that the Power supply plugged into.
BAD. MoBo would pull up and warp whenever the PS connector needed to be
A couple days later I thought of a way to fix this. A pretty neat idea.
Putting it into words not so easy - very easy to misunderstand or not
understand at all.
A photo would be instantly understood.
Before my previous sytem died in an instant, I had a pictorial PC building
site in my favorites, but of course they were lost when my HDD's got fried
when PS Blew up
Anyone know of a Pictorial Build your own PC WebSite ?