Google for suspense file.
: BurtOD wrote:
: > is there a way to use MSOL to put emails into "suspense" for later
: Sure. Hit Ctrl+S to save a copy in the Drafts folder. Then go watch a
: movie and come back later to reopen it and then send it.
: Putting an e-mail into "suspense". Gee, I never thought that I could
: mesmerize an e-mail to become antsy. Guess I haven't been yelling "Boo!"
: loud enough to catch its attention. Maybe if I ran at the computer
: while wildly waving my arms and screaming I could get it into suspense.
: --- Posting Hints ---
: ALWAYS REVIEW your message before submitting it. You want someone OTHER
: than yourself to understand your post. Also remember that no one here is
: looking over your shoulder to see at what you are pointing. If you don't
: well explain your situation by providing the DETAILS that you already
: don't expect others to know what is your situation. Explain YOUR
: environment and just what actions you take to reproduce the problem.
: Often you get just one chance per potential respondent to elicit a reply
: from them. If they skip your post because you gave them nothing to go on
: (no details, no versions, no OS, no context) then they will usually move
: to the next post and never return to yours.
: What is Usenet:
: When using a webnews-for-dummies interface (e.g., Microsoft's Communities,
: Google Groups, or a leech site using a forum-to-Usenet proxy), those are
: gateways to Usenet. Despite the pretense of a forum, you are
: in a newsgroup (aka Usenet).
: How to post to newsgroups:
: Regarding error or status messages:
: - Do NOT omit the message.
: - Do NOT describe the message.
: - Do NOT summarize the message.
: - Do NOT paraphrase the message.
: - Do NOT truncate the message.
: - Do show the ENTIRE message (but munge or star out personal info,
: like your username in an e-mail address but not the domain).
: And DETAIL the steps to reproduce the error or problem.