Is there a way to toggle cells between display of referenced data.



Would like to somehow simply toggle between a sheet of data provided by
various cell references and formulas and the acutal reference addresses and
formula equations, e.g., instead of seeing 12, I want to see the worksheet
cell display =3*4, etc. Is there any way to accomplish this without a mass
copy-paste special command?

Don Guillett

Try using control + tilde at the same time
tilde is the key just to the left of the 1


You could record two macros: 1st - tools - macro - record new macro - tools -
options - view and select formulas. 2nd - record new macro - tools - options
- view and uncheck formulas. Customize a tool bar by placing these two
macros on it. Not very elegant, but it works. HTH

Gord Dibben

Shortcut key to toggle View Formulas on/off.

CTRL + `(backquote above TAB key)

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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