is there a way to run a program independent of the .NET version?

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If I have a program created with .NET 1.1, is there a way to run that with
2.0 without having to install 1.1? I would like to have the minimal number
of versions on my box. Or is the version of the exe intimately tied to the
version of the framework?

In general, the .NET Framework is backwards compatible. Applications built
against the 1.x Framework will in general run on machines with the 2.0

But, the frameworks are very light weight and in an ideal situation, an
application should run against the version of the framework that it was
built for. I really don't see a reason for only installing the 2.0 Framework
on a machine and not the 1.1 Framework.

VS2005 will produce applications that target the 2.0 Framework. They will
not run on machines with only the 1.0 or 1.1 Framework.

VS2003 will produce applications that target the 1.1 Framework.
Thanks for the quick response. :>
In general, the .NET Framework is backwards compatible. Applications built
against the 1.x Framework will in general run on machines with the 2.0
That's what I thought, code written in vs2k3 should run with 2.0 (with the
understanding that bugs with APIs are/should be fixed or at least working
better. :>
built for. I really don't see a reason for only installing the 2.0
Framework on a machine and not the 1.1 Framework.
No other reason than I would like to keep the dev box to a min
configuration, less to manage/support/have on the HD. I'm doing that now,
but I was hoping I wouldn't have to install yet another version of .NET when
I upgraded my machines (home and work). I would love to do one install and
have the older .NET version exes just run.

You indicated it can be done, but didn't mention how, or did you and I
missed it? I haven't had nearly enough coffee today! :>

Have a good one.
You indicated it can be done, but didn't mention how, or did you and I
missed it? I haven't had nearly enough coffee today! :>
Nothing to be done, it just works!
If the 1.1 exe can't find the 1.1 runtime it will try to run with 2.0...
Nothing to be done, it just works!
If the 1.1 exe can't find the 1.1 runtime it will try to run with 2.0...
hhhmmm What could I be doing wrong if that's not happening and I'm seeing an
error message saying I need the 1.1 version? I'm running with the release
version of RSSBandit if that helps any?

An application could explictely specify to run only with a given version of
the framewrok.
if you've got an app foo.exe there is a file called foo.exe.manifest where
such information is stored.

it could be, also, that given application check the framework/asemblies
itself and refuse to work with something else.
AHA! That is it! :> I looked in the RSSBandit.exe.config file and there is
a section like this.

<supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v1.0.3705"/>
<requiredRuntime version="v1.0.3705"/>

Therefore, I believe this is what is limiting me to the 1.1 framework. Does
that make sense to you .NET gurus? I didn't find anything like that in the
RSSBandid.exe.manifest which looks like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<description>RSS Bandit</description>

re ho...
You calling me a ho? :> Hey, I only do java/j2ee dev during the day to pay
the bills and I'm working to fix/change that, but it takes time! :> haha :>
(this is/was meant to be taken light heartedly, trying to work in a joke
here :>)

Thanks for your help! :>
<supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v1.0.3705"/>
<requiredRuntime version="v1.0.3705"/>

Therefore, I believe this is what is limiting me to the 1.1 framework.
Does that make sense to you .NET gurus? I didn't find anything like that
in the RSSBandid.exe.manifest which looks like this.

mmhh.... well maybe I was partly wrong and you it should be in the config
truth to tell I never did it myself so it kind of just popped up out of my
You calling me a ho? :> Hey, I only do java/j2ee dev during the day to
Just like me before, a long while ago, sigh!
the bills and I'm working to fix/change that, but it takes time! :> haha
:> (this is/was meant to be taken light heartedly, trying to work in a
joke here :>)
well, yeah :>
what means ":>" never see the smiley before...
mmhh.... well maybe I was partly wrong and you it should be in the config
Partly wrong? Na, I prefer, partly right! When I was using linux for my
servers @ home, it was SOOOOO frustrating to get help! I would either get
the standard RTFM, "you are an idiot" or just get ignored cause I was the
noob. :< And IF I did get something, it either didn't work on my dist (RH
was a pretty standard one, so that baffled me :<), or the first few lines of
the help were just wrong/buggy.

SO? Your help was as accurate enough that it pointed me in the right
direction without any tangents to get to the answer. Thank you! :> Well, I
haven't tested it out, but on the surface it looks quite accurate and makes
total sense!
truth to tell I never did it myself so it kind of just popped up out of my
Not a problem, I do that sometimes too. But most importantly to me, you
tried! :> I find that one BIG difference between MS and linux/java people,
the MS people try. They try to see your problem, they try to see where
you're coming from, they try to think about a few solutions, about what your
rationale is for asking the question. They think about the poster/asker,
they aren't IMHO so interested in showing you how smart THEY are, but
helping you. Oddly enough, it's the latter that shows how smart you are!
Just like me before, a long while ago, sigh!
Ah, so there's hope for me yet?! :>
what means ":>" never see the smiley before...
Ah, I got used to that from my BBS days (yup, been doing this for a few
years :>). If you take a gander at the keys for the smiley, it's a fast
shift with left, then colon and greater. Gets to be very fast when you get
into the rhythm. :>

re ;-)
I do that for the winks sometimes, or I skip the nose :<

Have a good TGIF! :>