A picture cannot be inserted into a cell; it floats in a separate layer
above the cell(s). That said, I believe that you can achieve your object
as follows:
Office Button |Insert | Picture
Right-click the picture | Size and Properties | Size it to fit with the
desired cell | select Move and Resize with cell.
Additionally, should this be of interest, a picture can be placed in a
cell comment: see Debra Dalgleish's Contextures instructions at:
I have tried that but despite how it looks on the screen it always seems tobe just a little off which is especially noticeable when I use borders. Also, that way is time consuming when I want to have several pics in the file. The picture in commment thing won't work for this application.
There could be some html and word solutions but excel is perfect for what Iam trying to do so I really hope it will work someway.