Is there a way to extend the splash screen display?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alp Bekisoglu
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Alp Bekisoglu

Hi Alll,

I wonder if there is a way one can extend the display of the splash screen
image longer than a few miliseconds!

Thanks in advance.

Alp Bekisoglu said:
Hi Alll,

I wonder if there is a way one can extend the display of the splash screen
image longer than a few miliseconds!

Thanks in advance.

Hi Alp
You are allowed to set the value to 999999999 (Close to 1 billion
Millisecond) How long do you want to wait?

Hi Sigurd,

I was refering to a bitmap image named exactly as the database name which
replaces the main Access splash screen when the db file is run directly
(double-click or via short-cut). I am not sure if there is a location where
once could set a value. Am I wrong?

Alp Bekisoglu said:
Hi Sigurd,

I was refering to a bitmap image named exactly as the database name which
replaces the main Access splash screen when the db file is run directly
(double-click or via short-cut). I am not sure if there is a location where
once could set a value. Am I wrong?

No, I think you are right. But you could use another method.
Paste your picture to a form, and make this form the startup form. From the
tools meny select Startup and set this form as startup form. In the forms
property sheet set the Timerintervall property value in Ms. On timer event
insert code to close the startupform and open the form you want to open
after the startup form closes by the timer.

That part is already done. I was just trying to find out "if " there was a
way to adjust the program's startup splash screen duration.

But thanks anyway Sigurd, what matters is the willingness to help others
with what one knows and you've done just that.

Have a great week.
