My digital camera had the wrong date/time set internally for a while - so
some of my pictures (hundreds of them) are all marked with the wrong
Does anyone know how to change this property on a file using some kind of
scripting language or something?
I can get the date using the following script but I can't change it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
sFolder = "C:\Documents and Settings\Me\My Documents\My Pictures\"
sFile = "myphoto.jpg"
Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oFolder = oShell.NameSpace(sFolder)
Set oFolderItem = oFolder.ParseName(sFile)
sInfo = oFolder.GetDetailsOf(oFolderItem, 25)
WScript.Echo "Date Picture Taken: " & sInfo
My digital camera had the wrong date/time set internally for a while - so
some of my pictures (hundreds of them) are all marked with the wrong
Does anyone know how to change this property on a file using some kind of
scripting language or something?
I can get the date using the following script but I can't change it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
sFolder = "C:\Documents and Settings\Me\My Documents\My Pictures\"
sFile = "myphoto.jpg"
Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oFolder = oShell.NameSpace(sFolder)
Set oFolderItem = oFolder.ParseName(sFile)
sInfo = oFolder.GetDetailsOf(oFolderItem, 25)
WScript.Echo "Date Picture Taken: " & sInfo