Is there a way to change the font or color of a DataGrid single li



In my web application the user need a visual indication when an item of a
DataGrid meets some condition. Is there a way to change the font or the
forecolor of the text of DataGrid lines that meet some condition? (Something
like the Conditional Formatting of Excel)



Emre Guldogan


in your aspx in related tag;
TheAttributeYouWantToModify='<%# GetVisualIndication(
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "VisualFormatter") ) %>'

The function GetVisualIndication() is a function in your codebehind file
which performs necessary filtering for the visualisation, such as;

protected string GetVisualIndication( object yourField )
//cast the field into its type and make your decision
//and return the attribute

OR, you can directly get the attribute without any decision, I mean you can
decide the attribute
in your query string (may be with a case-when-then). Then, you can format
the field without the necessity of a filtering function. e.g:

TheAttributeYouWantToModify='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,
"VisualFormatter") %>'

But, sometimes it may be a mandatory using a function for such situations.
It changes according to your design... I hope this is an answer for your

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