Sure is - I use this quite a bit. Please note it will not work in the viewer
as the viewer does not support code.
1.. Open the Control Toolbox toolbar (View -> Toolbars -> Control Toolbox)
2.. Click on the Text Box button (box with 'ab' written in it)
3.. Click and drag the position/size of box you want (don't worry you can
manipulate this later)
4.. With the text box still selected click on the Properties button on the
Control Toolbox toolbar (the hand holding the bit of paper)
5.. Change EnterKeyBehaviour and Mulitline to True
6.. Change ScrollBars to 2-fmScrollBrasVertical
7.. Amend Font, BorderColour, BackColor and so on to your heart's content
8.. Close Properties
9.. Resize and Move text box as you would any other
10.. You're all done!
Note: Any text you add during a presentation will be saved in the text box
automatically (it becomes part of the properties) - you will be prompted to
save changes or not to the whole ppt when you close the presentation (not
when you exit). If you save by mistake and then want to remove the text do
so from the properties dialogue box of the text box.