is it possible to draw floor plans using office
CLR said:I don't know of anyplace that would have step-by-step instructions for
something like this. This is not what Excel is usually used for. I only use
it this way so I can make it into a dynamic reporting vehicle to
automatically read data off a list and color the different areas and or
machines, or other drawing objects thereon. I usually start by making all my
columns 1.71 wide, which gives me all "square" cells. This I designate as 1
square foot, and use cell borders to make the lines. This only is good for 1
foot resolution tho, so sometimes you may have to use a line from the Drawing
Toolbar. Images can be inserted. Text boxes can be used to annotate....etc,
etc. It takes a little practice.
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3