Is there a viable alternative to GMail?


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
... probably not.

I really don't like how Google just seem to alter "your experience" by redesigning things like GMail.

One was actually given an option to opt-out, some time ago, I probably got the notification and thought, WTF is this and ignored it. Sigh!

Now I'm stuck with the "new look" interface which causes me to press umteen tabs just to find what would have been on my main screen in the first place ... with NO bloody clicking about.

Google, I'm looking for an alternative to your meddling ... if it ain't broke, STOP fecking fixing it!

TBH, Mucks, I haven't noticed any recent changes. It all seems as it always was. Have I missed something? :confused:
If you click on the Setting cog do you have the option to 'Go back to classic Gmail'?
If you click on the Setting cog do you have the option to 'Go back to classic Gmail'?

No, but I do have "Try the new Gmail" which I, clearly, haven't clicked. I shall leave well alone. :)
If you click on the Setting cog do you have the option to 'Go back to classic Gmail'?

They disable that, you cannot go back ... :rolleyes:

Does that mean that "Go back to classic Gmail is only for those that are already on it? :confused::D
Does that mean that "Go back to classic Gmail is only for those that are already on it? :confused::D

I think it means that if you're on the new Gmail you have the option of going back to the classic version, but I don't know how long that option is available for.
I still have the option to go back, but I won't as I like the new look.

If its just that tabs then you can turn them off by going to the settings cog > Configure Inbox. Untck all the optional boxes.
I view both my gmail addresses through Thunderbird and haven't noticed anything different.

There's always Outlook.... ;)

And, sometimes, a person can get used to new things and actually prefer them.

The last statement does not apply to The Edge browser and possibly does not apply to Windows 10 :D