is there a quick way to do this besides cut and paste?



using XL 2003

I have 5 cells of addresss data (more than 100 times over)

A2 through A4
But the info that I want in A1 is in B1

Is there a quicker way than scrollling through the 650 record sheet
and cutting all the column B data into the column A cell??

I know I can type "=B2" in A1 but if I dragged that down, I would
lose data in column A.



If Col_B only contains the values you need in Col_A

Then try this:

Select from the first Col_B value through the last

[Ctrl]+C............a shortcut for <edit><copy>

Select the 1st Col_A cell to receive the Col_B value
<edit><paste special>........Check: skip blanks
Click [OK]

That will copy the Col_B values into the empty spaces in Col_A, without
overwriting the other Col_A values.

Then clear Col_B.

Is that something you can work with?


XL2003, WinXP




If Col_B only contains the values you need in Col_A

Then try this:

Select from the first Col_B value through the last

[Ctrl]+C............a shortcut for <edit><copy>

Select the 1st Col_A cell to receive the Col_B value
<edit><paste special>........Check: skip blanks
Click [OK]

That will copy the Col_B values into the empty spaces in Col_A, without
overwriting the other Col_A values.

Then clear Col_B.

Is that something you can work with?


XL2003, WinXP

using XL 2003
I have 5 cells of addresss data (more than 100 times over)
A2 through A4
But the info that I want in A1 is in B1
Is there a quicker way than scrollling through the 650 record sheet
and cutting all the column B data into the column A cell??
I know I can type "=B2" in A1 but if I dragged that down, I would
lose data in column A.

Don Guillett

How about a macro?
Sub moveBtoAstep5()
For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "a") _
..End(xlUp).Row Step 5
Cells(i, "b").Cut Cells(i, "a")
Next i
End Sub

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