Don said:
Any WMF image with any of these extensions will be recognized
and treated as .wmf images quite happily by Windows,
Windows 98 does not recognize .WMF files that are re-named to some
other bitmap type (bmp, gif, etc). While viewing directory listings
with thumbnail view turned on, Win-98 will render thumbnail images of
..WMF files. However, any legit .WMF file that is re-named to some
other bitmap extension will not be thumbnail-rendered (a placeholder
image will be shown in it's place).
IE6 running on a fully updated Win-98 system will render WMF files
that are part of a web page, but if the extension has been changed to
something else (even a known type like jpg or gif) then it will launch
(if available) an alternate application to render the file (such as
Corel Photopaint or ACDSee).
exploit will be very happily executed without further user
action on an unpatched system.
WMF files created to test if a system is vulnerable (by launching the
calculator application) do not function as such on Win-98 systems.