My reply is at the bottom of your message :
Thomas Goddard said:
I seem to be having all kinds of files vanishing. Some seem to be locking
with access denied ( a lot actually ). This is a new install of Windows,
several times. I've run a scan on my drive and it's fine... Is anyone else
having symptoms like this?
As Malke said , there are a lot of new viruses and other malware coming out
everyday ! You need to have good antivirus software , using always the latest
version and definitions . Recommended AV softwares are NOD32 , Kaspersky ,
F-prot (I use NOD32) .
Don't forget to also use firewall and antispyware programs and to update
your applications and operating system .
If suggest you perform the instructions given by Malke . If they don't help
,visit my web-site and learn how to properly install/reinstall Windows
Operating system and important things to be done afterwards. Also learn how
to protect your computer.