Is there a Microsoft smartclient forum?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris Lewis
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Chris Lewis

I have specific Smart Client questions, but can't find a forum that fits?

Anyone know of one, or if Microsoft plans one?


Best regards,


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Hi Ilya,

Yes, I have seen these groups - they are related to specific aspects of
smart client development (i.e. smart devices), but I am looking for a group
focussed on the core smart client technologies relating to all platforms (in
my case just remote desktop pcs), so I'm interested in ClickOnce, Smart
Client Offline Application Block, Composite UI Application Block, etc. as
they apply to Windows Forms development - and smart client patterns and
practices in general.

Smart Clients are big news with the arrival of VS2005 and .NET 2.0 and I
expected to find a group dedicated to them!

Does this make sense - is it too specific a topic?
