Is there a known TabIndex bug?



I'm preparing a form with some controls laid out at design time and some
controls added dynamically at run time. During the latter I programatically
set the TabIndex of these new controls so that the tab order will flow like I

But my settings seem to have no effect.

Is this a known bug with Windows Forms dotNet?


Try setting the TabIndex property after you add the control to its parent's control collection (if you aren't already)



I got excited when I read your response because I was not doing that. So I
went to the trouble to change the TabIndexes late, after all the controls
were in place. I iterated through the code and the tabindexes are being
assigned as I expected. But it still doesn't work. It's as if the TabIndex
sequence is following some other logic sequence that I'm just not sure of.

Most frustrating!


Bruce, they're divided into different panels and sub-panels. Does this make
a difference? Coming from the VB6 world, I seem to recall that there was
just one master tabindex for the form.

If this is not the case with dotNet, could you explain to me how TabIndex
works in a multi-panel form or send me a link to read?

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