Is there a keystroke for inserting a picture?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Klaus
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I know if I hit ctrl + m it will add a new slide. Is there another keystroke
combo that will let me insert a picture to that slide?
Afraid not, The help file will tell you what hot keys (keyboard shortcuts)
are available to you

Michael Koerner
MS MVP - PowerPoint

I know if I hit ctrl + m it will add a new slide. Is there another
combo that will let me insert a picture to that slide?
Steve, I'm using PowerPoint 2007. I would like to know how to learn the
various keystrokes. That would be very helpful. Thanks!
You can open the help menu windows
Klaus said:
Steve, I'm using PowerPoint 2007. I would like to know how to learn the
various keystrokes. That would be very helpful. Thanks!
In PowerPoint 2007, hold down an Alt key for a couple of seconds.
You'll see little tooltip type thingies showing you that it's Alt-H
for the home ribbon, Alt-N for insert etc.

Now, try typing Alt-N and you'll see all the shortcuts for the things
on the Insert ribbon.


Hi Peter and Steve,

Thanks for the responses. I was hoping to preprogram my Logitech mouse so I
could hit two buttons: (1) for new slide, then (2) to insert a picture. I
programmed the first button OK but it won't do the second button. The alt +
P combination only works if you have first done the procedure you outline of
holding alt then hitting alt +N. That's a nice trick, by the way. The
Logitech mouse won't take the multiple keys of alt + I P F. Keystroking that
combination works (thank you for that) but is more time consuming than
clicking the commands.

Are there ways to preprogram those commands? Any ideas?