Brad, Jim, Sean,
Well, FAQ page on sounds good. I really like that site as a central independent place for 3rd party XPe stuff and XPe
knowledge base.
Obviously, Microsoft has started the FAQ long time ago ( But I haven't seen
any updates there for quite long time. I heard it takes an effort to post stuff on MSDN (approval process is long and painful, you
have to be legal-support-product-correct there and so on).
Product Team Blog is a great website with lots of info and deep dive-in to various product features (documented and undocumented)
but I failed to find there any FAQ area. Sean, can you point us where that FAQ they started is located on the blog site?
Wiki has all the tools for everyone to add, remove, and edit content but it looks like it requires good english writing skills to
post there and I am probably going to be out of the job there
There is still one great benefit of this NG goolge archive over the above - it's been around for many years and unbelievable number
of messages have been posted here, most answered in some way or another. But perhaps the search is not often a convinient and easy
way for newbies to find the right answers and a simple FAQ page would probably serve better.