Is there a DDE call to update a field in Internet Explorer 6.x?

  • Thread starter Thread starter fj39fj0dle3u
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I am scouring the internet for some way of updating via DDE a field
within a web page that has already been presented. I know of the
WWW_OpenURL and other topic names that can be used to open a web page
based on the Query String of the URL, but I have a situation where
refreshing the web browser will cause problems and DDE is the only
interface available. There are other workarounds (e.g. send key via
some sort of middleware program), but I was hoping for a magic bullet
that I have not been able to find yet.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Hi fj,

The listing for DDE Topic verbs for IE can be found in the KB article 16957.
There are no Topics to do what you want to do.

Suggest that you use a Menu or Button script to gain access to the currently
loaded document object (external.menuArguments.document) and then assign
values to the fields (document.GetElementById("txtUpdate").value='new

Thanks for the reply. I was hoping for a different answer (e.g. a
DDE function that did what I needed), but I appreciate the feedback.