Dragon said:
I've just received a warning from a friend who received it from a friend
etc etc
Reckons the Hallmark Postcard virus is the worst yet.
Has been checked by Snopes.
Looks more like a hoax to me but is the truth known?
Google on "Hallmark virus hoax". It's a hoax, but e-cards can and do carry
viruses, so be cautious. Also, e-card websites often have a slew of linked
sites that want to set cookies, etc. I use Firefox's Noscript extension,
and allow cookies For Session only.
First hit (excerpt -- and note warning about similarly named actual
"'Postcard' or 'Postcard from Hallmark' Virus Hoax
Netlore Archive: False email alert warns of 'the worst virus ever'
circulating in the form of an attachment labeled 'POSTCARD' or 'POSTCARD
Description: Email hoax
Circulating since: Feb. 2008 (this version)
Status: False
Some versions of this hoax claim the information was "verified" on
Snopes.com. This is NOT true. What has been verified on Snopes.com is a
different e-card virus threat with a similar name.
DO beware of phony "Hallmark" (or other) e-card notices -- they may carry
a real virus.
DON'T be confused by the false descriptions below.
BTW, a reference to Snopes usually means a hoax, but it's worth checking
out snopes.com anyhow. A little healthy paranoia never hurt anybody. ;-)