There is a method you could use to do quick language changes of the single
Single presentation
Change of languages in a moment
Add new translations easily
Links can break
Longer creation time
Link warning messages
Build your presentation using your native language.
Create an Excel Sheet with all of Column A values set to Colum B (In Cell
A1: = B1, In A2 = B2, etc.)
For each text frame, copy the text to column B of an excel worksheet
Replace the text frame in the presentation with a link to the corresponding
Cell in the Excel sheet ( Make sure you use the column A link)
For each new language, add the text in the next open column
To change languages, replace the values in column A to =C1 (save the Excel
file) then update links in PowerPoint
Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.