Is there a way to know when start up is complete?
I have, on occasion, gotten to eager and locked up so badly that I had to
turn off the electrical power.
Frank C
My tablet PC is a bit slow to load (slower processor) and online updates
(antivirus for example) take a bit longer with the wireless connection. To
avoid what you describe... I glance at the cursor to see if there's a
regular cursor or one of the hourglass cursors. After the hourglass clears
and before clicking anything, I'll move the cursor over the start button.
If it stays normal, I go ahead and click. If it changes to an hourglass
again, I wait and try again in a few.
There seems to be two points in startup where I can start working (at least
on my systems):
After the first hourglass check: bulk of operating system and
configurations loaded. Okay to do local tasks (word processors, etc)
After the second hourglass check: most startup programs are loaded, the
network connections have been fully established and update checks are
finished. Programs and internet are available.