Is sending in W Mail like cracking the DaVinci Code...only harder?

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I have verified that all my account info is correct and that my internet mail
works. I have deleted my mail account and rebooted prior to adding a new
account with password checked before and after entry (depending on the
attempt). While I am able to receive mail, I can not send mail. When I try,
I get the following message:
The host '' could not be found. Please verify that you
have entered the server name correctly.
Subject '748 test', Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket
Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
Any idea where or how I can find the holy grail?
Great find.......but now for the next clue.

After correcting the typo (many thanks), I have tried sending and replying
messages. Results were:
"E-mail connection lost. E-mail scanning encountered a problem. The email
can not be sent." I have tried sending with scanning turned off and then
back on. Neither worked. Next suggestion appreciated.
After correcting the typo (many thanks), I have tried sending and replying
messages. Results were:
"E-mail connection lost. E-mail scanning encountered a problem. The
can not be sent." I have tried sending with scanning turned off and then
back on. Neither worked. Next suggestion appreciated.

Vista does not have "email scanning". So, this has to be from your
Anti-virus program. If turning email scanning off is not enough to prevent
this error, try uninstalling your AV program and try again.


Excuse me? I don't think going online without any AV protection is a valid
solution. It's obviously not the answer for the long term and could be a
disaster in the short run.

I made that mistake last month with a brand-new, top of the line Sony Vaio
laptop and it only took about 30 minutes and the machine was hozed. I was
just trying to retrieve the Key to my AV program Big mistake.

Were you really serious?

Anti-virus removed and spam filter turned off. Still unable to send,
receiving the folloowing error:

Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '553
24.61.53.* rejected due to spam, contact 480-505-8877 (Attack detected from
pool', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553, Error
Number: 0x800CCC79

?? Any ideas?
Email scanning is different from antivirus software running on your
computer. Email scanning and OE and especially now it seems with WinMail is
ruining the experience for the user. Email scanning is redundant and
invariably messes up the email program. See

It does not mean get rid of your antivirus software. It means take control
of it and be intelligent about it, if that is possible.

Looks like your mail server is rejecting your outgoing email due to your IP
address being on some kind of blacklist. Probably should contact your ISP
about this. Also call the telephone number provided.

Most broadband users have a router which will protect them
against unsolicited contacts from the Internet. Even without
a router, Windows Firewall and Windows Defender will do a
pretty good job.

Gary VanderMolen
Blacklists suck. He probably got blacklisted by someone spoofing him and
then instead of the spoofer getting blacklisted, the spoofed does. Its
totally stupid methodology.

Its like stealing your neighbor's car and committing a crime, so they arrest
your neighbor to fix it.

Turning off email scanning is not the same as turning
off your AV protection- you will still be protected, just
without the unnecessary/redundant/problem causing
email scanning.

Steve Cochran is correct, more users are having problems
with AV email scanning and WinMail.

Actually, in this case (as most), it appears that the whole IP block is
blacklisted, specifically because they are dynamically assigned. No other
reason. A common practice.

I agree, blacklists suck. I run my own mail server and I do not use
blacklists. There are much better ways.

I'm quite familiar with spam blacklists and how they work,
having been a longtime member of SpamCop. No, spoofing
does not get the wrong person blaclisted. The origin of spam
is not determined by the 'From' address but by the IP address
of the originator. Due to the way the TCP/IP protocol works,
the source IP can not be spoofed.

Gary VanderMolen
Yes, for dynamic IP assignments, a whole IP range can get
blacklisted. The point is to put pressure on the ISP to
improve his lax anti-spam practices. If you choose a bad
ISP there will be consequences. One should always keep an
alternate email provider handy, just in case there is a
blacklist block against your own ISP's outgoing mail server.
Blacklists will usually clear an IP range within 24 hours
unless more spam has been spewed.

Gary VanderMolen
Blacklists that block IPs based solely on dynamic status DO NOT
verify/validate anything about SPAM at all. They simply blacklist based on
the dynamic IP status, alone. You cannot "clear" a dynamic IP from the
blacklist if the blacklist controller's policy is to block all dynamically
assigned IPs. SPAM usually has nothing to do with it.
