is Retrieving a Cell address from a cell containing a SUMPRODUCTformula a problem ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter jpr.charron
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to fill in Column F, rows 2, 3, 4, the corresponding date in Row 1 through the OFFSET Function, for the last filled cell (Non-zero) in each row.
However, my Range B2:E4 is filled with SUMPRODUCT formulas, to summarize data from further below,
which seem to prevent me from retrieving the last non-zero cell in each row.

I used a given LOOKUP formula from the forums, it does not give me an error
but no cell address either. I am puzzled.

Help appreciated
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F
7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 Last Date Expected result
e 0 650 400 0 7/30
k 600 0 100 300 7/31
m 500 100 0 0 7/29
Value 200 150 100 300
Code m e k k
Value 600 500
Code k e
Value 300 100 400
Code m m e
Hi Celeste,

Am Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:25:52 -0700 (PDT) schrieb (e-mail address removed):
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F
7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 Last Date Expected result
e 0 650 400 0 7/30
k 600 0 100 300 7/31
m 500 100 0 0 7/29
Value 200 150 100 300
Code m e k k
Value 600 500
Code k e
Value 300 100 400
Code m m e

in F2 try:
and copy down

Claus B.
Thank you again.
I am getting close but getting the wrong dates.
How does this syntax work ?
INDEX($1:$1),, refers to my Date Row in Row 1
LOOKUP(2,1/ Here I am guessing, Start looking one Row down, one Column right ?
(A2:E2<>0), My first Data Range Row, inclusive of Column A
COLUMN($1:$1))) Column Range in Row 1

My actual case with the adapted formula in AK8
Col A Col F Col G Col H Col I Col AK
Row 4 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 Last Date
Row 8 e 0 650 400 0
Row 9 k 600 0 100 300
My Date Range starts in F4, My Data Range starts in F8
My Last Date Formula in AK8

Thank you again,
Hi Celeste,

Am Mon, 28 Jul 2014 03:40:09 -0700 (PDT) schrieb (e-mail address removed):
My Date Range starts in F4, My Data Range starts in F8
My Last Date Formula in AK8

then try in AK8:

INDEX($4:$4.. is the range with the data
LOOKUP(2,1/(A8:I8<>0) looks from right to left for the first cell <>0
in range A8:I8
COLUMN(1:1) is a counter

Please look here:!326
for "SumAndDate"

Claus B.
Ron, Claus, Thanks a lot
Though I still do not understand the first part of this syntax
=LOOKUP(2,1/(my Data Row Range),my Date Row Range)
What are the 2,1/ elements for ?
Meanwhile I will research the LOOKUP syntax.
Thanks again.
Hi Celeste,

Am Mon, 28 Jul 2014 10:33:08 -0700 (PDT) schrieb (e-mail address removed):
Though I still do not understand the first part of this syntax
=LOOKUP(2,1/(my Data Row Range),my Date Row Range)
What are the 2,1/ elements for ?


If you select the part 1/(A8:I8<>9) and press F9 you see if the cell <>
0 1 or if the cell is 0 you see #DIV/0!
So you are looking for 2 and 2 is not available the LOOKUP gives you the
next smaller value and that is the last 1

Claus B.