I understand the human impulse for status and elite access, VIP rooms,
bottled water that is no different microbiologically than tap water, and
little polo horsies on Ralph Lauren shirts of all stripes and
stylesparticularly in my country where the truck driven as a status symbol
is also the financing for the terrorist Katyushas and missles in a war now
in the news that people are too dense to understand,
I understand the fun of saying, "I'd like to post with more clarity than at
the "nebulous vague enshrouded as a mystery syndrome" part of the spectrum.
The EULA for Vista Beta builds in fact, has no requirement for
confidentiality. That's since the beginning. Why someone is invoking what
does not exist is a good question.
There may have been warnings from MSFT personnel or contract employees from
MSFT more accurately not to paste newsgroup content, and these warnings were
always and have been to this moment (***completely ignored by all MSFT
personnel*** and because of that **MSFT itself***) in ignoring them, who
are on Vista teams who blog on MSDN and Technet and they are disregarded
completely by those beta sites who were named in said warning, Bink, Mary Jo
Foley's and Paul Thurott's among them--many of the Beta ezines..
I think these are great sites and value them--it does a tremendous job.
We have enough hypocrisy in this world--outraged people about a war that was
started by the terrorist financing they provided by gratuitously driving
their fuel guzzling SUVs with no connection at all as to the consequences of
this financing.