Is Quarantined trogan safe?

  • Thread starter Thread starter DFN-CIS
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Hi everyone.

I am worried that a trogan horse that has been quarantined is safe?

I used the free spysweeper. It said I had the ICQ trogan, and quarantined
Is there anyway a hacker could still access it?
Should I delete the trogan?

Thanks very much for any help or advice.

DFN-CIS said:
Hi everyone.

I am worried that a trogan horse that has been quarantined is safe?

I used the free spysweeper. It said I had the ICQ trogan, and quarantined
Is there anyway a hacker could still access it?
Should I delete the trogan?

Thanks very much for any help or advice.

Yes,delete it

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DFN-CIS said:
Hi everyone.

I am worried that a trogan horse that has been quarantined is safe?

If the quarantining was done by encrypting and renaming then it
should be safe enough - but it is still there and no other AV will
now be able to detect it. The AV that put it there should still be
able to restore it to its former splendor, so it could still be a threat
later on.
I used the free spysweeper. It said I had the ICQ trogan, and quarantined

It is best to quarantine a suspect until you can confirm that it was
indeed malware and not a false positive detection.
Is there anyway a hacker could still access it?

That depends on the security of the program doing the quarantining.
Should I delete the trogan?

If you are confident that you don't need it, why keep it?
Thanks very much for any help or advice.

Another reason for quarantining an item is when that item is
a virus that the program may in the future be able to clean.
FromTheRafters said:
If the quarantining was done by encrypting and renaming then it
should be safe enough - but it is still there and no other AV will
now be able to detect it. The AV that put it there should still be
able to restore it to its former splendor, so it could still be a threat
later on.

It is best to quarantine a suspect until you can confirm that it was
indeed malware and not a false positive detection.

That depends on the security of the program doing the quarantining.

If you are confident that you don't need it, why keep it?

Another reason for quarantining an item is when that item is
a virus that the program may in the future be able to clean.

Thanks From the rafters and madmax for the help and information. It was
very useful.

I have deleted it now.
