is psu causing this hassle

Nov 7, 2007
Reaction score

Athlon 2.4
Nvidia EP-8ra3i mb
Kingston ram 512
PSU model LC-B300ATX.
matrox graphics.
pulsar soundcard.

Installed ram x 1gig stick everything gave up.Blue screens- Error codes pointed to ram. At this time comp wouldnt boot giving a two tone beep with initial mb postcode of c1 then ff on halt and no boot whatsoever!Tried another brand corsair 2 x 512 but it was same ,2 x Kingston no go but reduced to 512 now works. Now and again the tower will still stop and two tone beep no boot but have found reset button starts it every time after iniial halt.Reflashed ram with same latest version,reset cmos jumpers. Now the floppy has given up two weeks on,tried replacement and its not the floppy drive. Are all these problems related? PSU or MB. Thanks for any help, you know what these things are like, IM crying now.
Ok that motherboard is An Epox with an Nvidia Chipset

Firstly make sure all your fans are running properly.

Cant comment on memory or PSU what I will suggest is that you take a look at the capacitors around the CPU. The biggest capacitors on the board.

You need to look for leaking of a brown substance around the bottom edges and sometimes around the top. The tops of the cpacitors may also have burst you can see the substance leaking out of the X marked on the top of the casing.

These are used to help regulate and smooth the voltage to the CPU and can in some cases cause all sorts of other problems. I myself had a problem a few months ago which was very similar. I had to replace 6 out of 7 capacitors on a Mobo.

Take a look anyway let us know. Dont just glance look properly!