Is possible use to setup a cash drawer in an Access form

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I am trying to use access as a point of sale solution for a retail and
service busines
My apologies... I just completely missed your post back to me!

Depending upon which POS printer you're using, you just open the printer
port and send the appropriate characters to that port (using whatever the
printer company tells you is the correct character combination).

Most if not all of these companies post code on their sites for how to do

What do you want to know specifically?

Ken Snell
How did you format a table off of your inventory database to look like and
behave like a retail POS?
I wrote the database from the ground up for a POS system. It has taken many
months to do this.
Any helpful hints? I just need a page that will filter or query (maybe the
wrong term) for items a customer is purchasing and then total and add tax. I
have the table, I just can't figure out how to make Access pull up items by a
product ID.
Your description of what you want to do is fairly vague.

Are you saying you want to display on a form the items that a customer is
purchasing? I assume that you will select the items to be purchased using a
combo box for the item number? Or will you display all possible items and
check a box for the ones being purchased? How will you handle multiple
quantities? How will you handle sales (and other) taxes? Will you be storing
the results of the purchase in another table? Or just printing the results
one time?

There are numerous issues involved in what you seek to do. To show many
items that are children of a parent on a form, you would use a subform that
holds the children information; in this case, the customer information
likely would be the parent.

As I noted earlier, this can be quite complicated, depending upon what
sophistication you want for your setup.

Ken Snell
I have already built the table I want to draw information from. What I need
to show up is the quantity, productID, Description, and unit price. I have
found a way to total a column and calculate taxes, but no logical way to
search and display the products for totaling. The trouble I am having is
thtat the form I use defaults to displaying every product in the data base.
Basic filters are no good to this point.
As I mentioned, you could use a subform for displaying the product
information. You would link the subform to the main form via the related
field(s) that are in both the main form's recordsource and in the subform's
recordsource -- this provides the "filter" that you seek. See the
LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields properties of the control that holds
the subform.

Ken Snell
Hay Ken I would be interested in your code for POS as mentioned I am runing
RV business on an inherited dos program I currently provide service and parts
to the local comminity.
The code (thousands and thousands of steps, hundreds of queries, a few
hundred forms, less than a hundred reports) is not for free distribution.
It's available in a database that we license to clients for use.

If you're interested in purchasing a license, post back.
heavily with Security, Revenue and Resort Operations with a major hotel
company. The Property Management System that we ran on was locked down
as tight as you could imagine and ran on a AS/400(iSeries). If you're
using Access, I would recommend that you build in the following steps...

1. Lockdown the underlying tables. Access to the tables will enable a
person to delete a transaction and walk away with some cash

2. Lockdown the ability to create forms, queries and modules. (The F, Q
& M's can grant a person access to the underlying tables.

3. In addition to the table in which the specific transactions will be
located, create a two tables to hold summary information. Table #1 for
daily summary totals. Table #2 for cashier specific summary totals. The
tables would contain running totals for the day and running totals for
each cashier by day. Both can help in identifying 'issues'. In short,
the totals in the transaction table should match up with the daily &
cashier tables accordingly. It will make things more difficult if
someone where to try and go snooping.

4. Each time a transaction is added to the DB, output the data to a text
file. This provides a handy backup just in case and can be referred to
if you suspect that somethings going on.

5. Name any table that you want to hide with the prefix USys. This will
make Access think that table is a system table and hide it - when the
Show System Objects checkbox is NOT checked.

6. Create a UserId, Password, CashierId for each person. This would be
within the DB and separate from the Security Login provided by Access.
The big thing here is the CashierID - a short value (3-5) characters
that must be entered for each transaction to be processed. This comes in
handy when someone logs in, fails to log out and someone else needs to
perform a transaction - they won't be able and will have to log out and
log in under their own.

7. Snoop around on the internet as I KNOW that its possible to process
credit card transactions via Access/VBA and appropriate coding (and some

8. (AND MOST IMPORTANTLY) If you're not too deep into development, look
around because you may be able to find a POS solution that already
exists - you'll save more time & frustration that you might be able to

David H
Send me an email (remove this is not real from my reply email address) and
I'll get some information to you.

It currently is in use at a client that has 70,000 parts and generates over
10,000 invoices a year. Also handles work orders, purchasing, receiving, and
customer payments.

Ken Snell
(e-mail address removed)

Ken Snell said:
Send me an email (remove this is not real from my reply email address) and
I'll get some information to you.

It currently is in use at a client that has 70,000 parts and generates over
10,000 invoices a year. Also handles work orders, purchasing, receiving, and
customer payments.