Dimple Wathen
Is "Per User/Per Device" TS CALs only Windows 2003?
(I am struggling with Windows 2000 Terminal Services where some users
are no longer with the company but their pre-re-issue-hotfix tokens are
still in the servers -- gosh it would be nice if I could just use the
Terminal Services Licensing tools to just delete them! But no, it
appears that I must pay the "Clearing House" $245.00 for them to tell
me how to do that.)
(I am struggling with Windows 2000 Terminal Services where some users
are no longer with the company but their pre-re-issue-hotfix tokens are
still in the servers -- gosh it would be nice if I could just use the
Terminal Services Licensing tools to just delete them! But no, it
appears that I must pay the "Clearing House" $245.00 for them to tell
me how to do that.)