Chad Harris
I noticed that MSFT has so helpfully provided some links to "Live" pages on
the 5536 Welcome Page--an advance that all the Beta team PMs and Developers
should be hifiving themselves over for weeks while neglecting some major
components that will be shipped broken I get to touch on later. Dr. Gary
Flake hasn't gotten around to conferring his magic on www.microsoft.com yet,
and isn't it great to have a Vista guide to Live links right on the old
Welcome Billboard. Google did bid on getting space on the Dell Vista
Desktop after all and won the auction.
Since they have a link to WOC Live, wil One Care in fact install for anyone
on "5536 Foreplay to RC1" is the link a dead end, or has "Woof we eat our
own dogfood" MSFT managed to get WOC compatible with their OS they are
spending a couple hundred million to promote and several hundred thousand in
Federal District Court in Seattle with Brad Smith and Nancy Anderson's eager
little legal beavers litigating against Symantec?
Jest wondrin' ? Guess I could click on the WOC setup and see if I could
install it. Maybe they are using the links on the Welcome Page as
advertising billboards that have no function purely. There is an advance for
the 5536 Welcome Page--an advance that all the Beta team PMs and Developers
should be hifiving themselves over for weeks while neglecting some major
components that will be shipped broken I get to touch on later. Dr. Gary
Flake hasn't gotten around to conferring his magic on www.microsoft.com yet,
and isn't it great to have a Vista guide to Live links right on the old
Welcome Billboard. Google did bid on getting space on the Dell Vista
Desktop after all and won the auction.
Since they have a link to WOC Live, wil One Care in fact install for anyone
on "5536 Foreplay to RC1" is the link a dead end, or has "Woof we eat our
own dogfood" MSFT managed to get WOC compatible with their OS they are
spending a couple hundred million to promote and several hundred thousand in
Federal District Court in Seattle with Brad Smith and Nancy Anderson's eager
little legal beavers litigating against Symantec?
Jest wondrin' ? Guess I could click on the WOC setup and see if I could
install it. Maybe they are using the links on the Welcome Page as
advertising billboards that have no function purely. There is an advance for