Is Navigation possible in videos

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p byers

Good Morning Folks
I am a newboy to Movie Maker 2

Can 'ClickOn' navigation be included in Videos produced by MM2

Two types of Navigation come to mind

1. Jump to other videos
2. Jump to different points in the story board

Thanks for your advice
Pete (Northolt UK)
You wouldn't do it with Movie Maker directly.

You can jump to other online videos using a tag in the WMV file to open
another online video. Embed the tag with the File Editor that comes with the
Media 9 Encoder package... see my Setup MM2 on XP > Other Software page for
a link.

And to jump around a playing movie, if it's online, you would need to use a
streaming host service instead like Mydeo instead of a file download one
like Neptune.
Thank you for your answer, I will follow the links to learn about
'Media 9 Encoder'

The Movie that I asked the question on behalf of is very Large - it will not be
Online - it will be distributed on a CD.

I wanted to give the Viewer the opportunity to 'include-or-skip' some of the
in the video.

A thought goes through my mind that I might consider Embedding a series of
Movies in a Web Page and put some sort of Navigation on the WebPage,
That feels a bit 'Clunkie' and not totally 'Professional'

Potential viewers/distributors of the CD have looked and are suitably impressed
with the Content and Quality
they say "DVD's have Navigation - arent you clever enought to do something
similar Peter??"
I have to try - lol

Pete (Northolt UK)
p said:
Thank you for your answer, I will follow the links to
learn about 'Media 9 Encoder'

The Movie that I asked the question on behalf of is very
Large - it will not be Online - it will be distributed on
a CD.

I wanted to give the Viewer the opportunity to
'include-or-skip' some of the sections
in the video.

A thought goes through my mind that I might consider
Embedding a series of shorter
Movies in a Web Page and put some sort of Navigation on
the WebPage,
That feels a bit 'Clunkie' and not totally 'Professional'

Potential viewers/distributors of the CD have looked and
are suitably impressed with the Content and Quality
they say "DVD's have Navigation - arent you clever
enought to do something similar Peter??"
I have to try - lol

Pete (Northolt UK)
I'm thinking you need authoring software that
will allow you to create navigation menus for
your project.

Here are a couple of examples:

ProShow Gold

InterVideo WinDVD Creator


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
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p said:
Thanks John - will look at the links that you suggest
Let us know if it works out for you.

More info at the following sites:

Microsoft Windows Movie Maker
tips, tutorials, forums and more...

Turn your Movie Maker 2
video into a DVD

Wojo's Web...DVD Creation

Burn a Movie Maker Project to DVD

How do I make a DVD

Windows Movie Maker Forums

Movie Maker 2 and DVD Burning Software

Burning DVDs With Windows Movie Maker 2

How do I save my movie as a
DV-AVI file in Movie Maker?


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
Highlights and FAQs

This is not tech support
........I am a volunteer.......

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you.

Proceed at your own risk.

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Annex Technologies