I need to create a database to track employee movement (new & terminate). I m
afraid I have poor table design, which cause me to supplement many queries to
prepare monthly report. Would appreciate comment & suggestion on my table
Dbs will prepare 3 rpts
(i) Total Co carry fw last year, monthly new, monthly
(ii) By divsision, carry fw last year, quarter new,
quarterly terminate
(iii)Be division, carry fw last year, total year new,
total year end, total year end balance.
My table is structure with the following field
(1) Emloyee ID
(2) Emloyee name
(3) Division
(4) StartDate
(5) EndDate
(6) StartQtr
(7) EndQtr
(8) StartMon
(9) EndMon
afraid I have poor table design, which cause me to supplement many queries to
prepare monthly report. Would appreciate comment & suggestion on my table
Dbs will prepare 3 rpts
(i) Total Co carry fw last year, monthly new, monthly
(ii) By divsision, carry fw last year, quarter new,
quarterly terminate
(iii)Be division, carry fw last year, total year new,
total year end, total year end balance.
My table is structure with the following field
(1) Emloyee ID
(2) Emloyee name
(3) Division
(4) StartDate
(5) EndDate
(6) StartQtr
(7) EndQtr
(8) StartMon
(9) EndMon