I have a Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 930SB monitor and over the past couple of
days I've noticed a sort of ghost line appears at the bottom of the screen.
It moves up and down a bit and I noticed that, for a split second, the
picture contracts a tiny bit and then returns to normal. I should point out
that this is not one of the two feint lines that are ever present on the
screen. Up until this started, PC has been rock solid for a long time.
Does anyone have any idea why it's doing this?
Windows XP Pro SP2
Pentium 4 3.0MHz 800FSB (Prescott)
Gigabyte 8KNXP (Rev 2) Motherboard
1 GB Corsair TwinX PC3200 Ram (Dual Channel)
XFX GeForce 6800 GT 256MB DDR3
40GB WD Hard Drive 7200rpm (C Drive)
120GB WD Hard Drive 7200rpm (D Drive)
120GB WD Hard Drive 7200rpm (E Drive)
120GB WD Hard Drive 7200rpm (F Drive)
LiteOn 52x24x52 CD-ReWriter
SB Audigy 2
Zalman 400W PSU
days I've noticed a sort of ghost line appears at the bottom of the screen.
It moves up and down a bit and I noticed that, for a split second, the
picture contracts a tiny bit and then returns to normal. I should point out
that this is not one of the two feint lines that are ever present on the
screen. Up until this started, PC has been rock solid for a long time.
Does anyone have any idea why it's doing this?
Windows XP Pro SP2
Pentium 4 3.0MHz 800FSB (Prescott)
Gigabyte 8KNXP (Rev 2) Motherboard
1 GB Corsair TwinX PC3200 Ram (Dual Channel)
XFX GeForce 6800 GT 256MB DDR3
40GB WD Hard Drive 7200rpm (C Drive)
120GB WD Hard Drive 7200rpm (D Drive)
120GB WD Hard Drive 7200rpm (E Drive)
120GB WD Hard Drive 7200rpm (F Drive)
LiteOn 52x24x52 CD-ReWriter
SB Audigy 2
Zalman 400W PSU