Is my data lost? Partition Table Trouble w/ 200GB WD 2000JB drive. Help!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Carlos R.
  • Start date Start date

Carlos R.


The summary:
The gist of this very long post is that I had a secondary FAT32 120GB
drive (just storage, no OS) that was full. I bought a 200GB drive
(with controller card). I installed the card and drive (in NTFS) and
it seemed to work. I transferred all the data from the 120 to the
200. I experienced some trouble deleting files off of the 120, so I
formatted it (to NTFS). WHAM. I get message saying my 200GB drive
has corrupt partition tables. I restart, and now I can't see the
drive letter. I tried a bunch of things that did not seem to fix my
problem. I write to this newsgroup for help!!!

The dirty details:
I am running XP Professional.

I had 2 Western Digital 120GB w/ 8MB cache drives, both nearly full,
both FAT32.

I purchased a 200GB WD drive, and it came with an ATA controller card
to allow for drives bigger than 137GB.

I installed the card, and plugged in the 200GB drive as a slave and
one of the 120GB drives (not the one with the OS) as the master, both
on the cable attached to the controller card.

I installed the drivers for the card/drive, and then formatted the new
drive as NTFS using Partition Magic boot disks.

I rebooted, and I could see the drive letter for the 200GB drive. I
transferred all my files from one of the 120GB drives over to the
200GB drive. I then deleted the files from the 120GB drive, and again
used partition magic to format in NTFS because I had been having
problems deleting, occasionally it would say that Explorer couldn't
find this or that file to delete. So that's why I just reformatted the
drive. I was able to access and use files from the new drive.

Now I am told that this new 200GB drive has a problem.

I would try to open the drive, and it would tell me that it was
corrupted (or something to that effect, I think the word "corrupted"
was used but am not sure now). I restarted, and now the drive letter
doesn't show up.

I went back to look at the partitions

NDD asks me if I want to fix the problem, that this will mean going
through and searching for DOS partiitons. It also warned me to back up
the drive first. But how can I back up without being able to see the
drive? So, perhaps unwisely, I went ahead with this, and it is
currently goign through every Head and cylinder. It's currently at the
7600th cylinder, and progressing slowly. It didn't seem to progress
too much so I stopped it.

I tried a program called iRecover to try diagnose the drive. This
iRecover program tells me that "there are invalid volumes encountered,
and they were discarded." The description says "Partition Table
records for one or more volumes are damaged. Impact: This volume(s)
are not shown in the list."

Partition Magic 8, run in Windows, tells me that I have a 131GB
partition, then a 59GB partition, in addition to the 8MB partition at
the start of the drive. I think that this is because Windows is having
a hard time recognizing it past the 133GB mark. When I run Partition
Magic off boot disks, it says just one ~190 partition (in addition to
the 8MB partition).

When I check partitionInfo (outside of the regular PM program) and
select the drive in question, I get a pop-up error telling me that a
Disk Error was was detected on this drive, and to see the "errors:"
list for more details. I push "OK" and another message pops up
immediately, telling me that Disk Geometry error(s) were detected on
this drive. I push ok again.
I can paste the results but they are very long.

I used Runtime's DiskExplorer in conjunction with GetDataBack for NTFS
and while it was scanning the unallocated partition I could see
recognizable file names scrolling past. This gives me hope!

This GetDataBack program by Runtime Software actually was able to read
the disk image I created. Unfortunately, only 60 of the transferred
100GB shows up, and a lot is crap, and file names for all the stuff I
may want are not preserved, and while there is some directory
structure, it's mainly for windows OS directories, 40 of the 60GB of
files are in a single directory with names that don't make sense.

It's a demo version, so I can't actually copy anything over, but I
have been able to look at a few of the pictures. I just wish I could
copy some files over before I shell out $80 to get a registration
number. sigh.

On further exploration, I think that the files are mostly garbage.
Probably segments of files, but very few complete. Even the photos I
can open are much smaller than they used to be (4Megapixel images down
to around 500x500 pixels).

On the other hand, maybe the reason why the files I have seen don't
look right is because I don't have enough space to make a complete
200GB disk image because I do not have a 2nd 200GB drive to use.

I would consider getting another big drive to make a clone of the
trouble drive. Do you think that this would help? Would it have to be
identical, or just equal or greater size?

I know this was a very long post, but if you have any questions or
need clarification please let me know. If you have any answers,
please let me know too!!!
I tried a program called iRecover to try diagnose the drive. This
iRecover program tells me that "there are invalid volumes encountered,
and they were discarded." The description says "Partition Table
records for one or more volumes are damaged. Impact: This volume(s)
are not shown in the list."

Since the partition table is 'troubled' have the program scan for partitions
instead. Alternatively you can use the option 'there was only one volume'
under the option 'manual' in the partition selection screen as this reflects
your situation if understand correctly (there was just ONE NTFS partition
When I check partitionInfo (outside of the regular PM program) and
select the drive in question, I get a pop-up error telling me that a
Disk Error was was detected on this drive, and to see the "errors:"
list for more details. I push "OK" and another message pops up
immediately, telling me that Disk Geometry error(s) were detected on
this drive. I push ok again.
I can paste the results but they are very long.

You are welcome to sent me the partinfo ([email protected]). If the
problem is really only partition table related it should be possible to fix
the drive. I can help you do that using freeware tools.

Kind regards,

D I Y D a t a R e c o v e r y . N L - Data & Disaster Recovery Tools

Please include previous correspondence!

DiskPatch - MBR, Partition, boot sector repair and recovery.
iRecover - FAT, FAT32 and NTFS data recovery.
MBRtool - Freeware MBR backup and restore.
Carlos R. said:
I am running XP Professional.

With or without SP1 installed? Did you have 48-bit LBA enabled in the
I purchased a 200GB WD drive, and it came with an ATA controller card
to allow for drives bigger than 137GB.

The controller card provides BIOS support for 48-bit LBA, but if you did
not enable 48-bit LBA in the OS /as well/, what probably happened is
that as soon as Windows tried to write past the 137Gb barrier, the
writes "wrapped around" to cylinder 0 and overwrote your partition
tables. This is why you get differing results from various PT analysis
utilities and geometry errors.
Carlos R. said:
ok, I see. So I had to fix something in the registry before using the
drive much? For what it's worth, I put less than 137GB in there, I

It doesn't matter, it only takes a write to anywhere past 137Gb for it
to wrap around. Since NTFS tries to spread writes around the disk to
reduce fragmentation, this could have happened at any time. Be warned
that this phenomenon will mean that random corruption of your files has
almost certainly happened, so if you do recover any data, the files may
be damaged.
Is it possible to fix this problem after the fact (e.g. change the
48-bit LBA registry entry, then recover my data by fixing partition
tables, geometry, etc)?

I'm not a data recovery expert, so I suggest you follow up Joep's
suggestions. Once (if/when) you get any data back, you should enable
48-bit LBA in the registry and reformat the disk before putting any
files on it.

Here's a couple of articles to look at:





after your initial private email I have not been able to get in
contact with you, so I hope you are still scanning this newsgroup.

You had offered to take a look at my DSKPATCH.LOG. I did the test,
and am pasting it below. Please let me know what you think!



Oops - it looks as though the diskpatch log wrapped in a weird way.
Joep, if you get this please email me so I can send you the log in its
non-wrapped original format.


I still have had no luck in connecting with you over email, so I hope
you will be able to find this post...

I performed the partitioninfo test as you suggested, and am pasting
the results below.

The paste is unsuccessful in keeping lines from wrapping, so if you
have a hard time reading I can try to send you the file in an email.

Just to recap, I've got this little 8MB partition at the start of the
that IS formatted NTFS, but what I am concerned about is the 186GB
partition (it is a "200GB" drive) that has seemingly vanished.


Warning: Logical drive chain points to sector without partition table.

Disk[1], Part[16065]: Info: MBR Partition Table not in sequential


Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector #
Sector Sectors

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- -
---------- ----------

NTFS Pri,Boot 114463.1 0 0
63 234420417

Unallocated Pri 7.8 None -
234420480 16065


Disk 1: 190779.7 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector #
Sector Sectors

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- -
---------- ----------

NTFS Pri 7.8 0 1
63 16002

ExtendedX Pri 190771.9 0 0
16065 390700800

EPBR Log 0.0 None -
16065 63

Unallocated Log 190771.8 None -
16128 390700737


Boot Sector for drive *: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 63, Type: NTFS


1. Jump: EB 52 90

2. OEM Name: NTFS

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 8

5. Reserved Sectors: 0

6. Number of FAT's: 0

7. Root Dir Entries: 0

8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

15. Unused: 0x80 00 80 00

16. Total NTFS Sectors: 234420416 (0xDF8F8C0)

17. MFT Start Cluster: 786432 (0xC0000)

18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 14651276 (0xDF8F8C)

19. Clusters per FRS: 246

20. Size per Index Buffer: 1

21. Serial Number: 0x2E28D61128D5D7C3

22. Checksum: 0x00000000

23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive *: Drive 2, Starting Sector: 63, Type: NTFS


1. Jump: EB 52 90

2. OEM Name: NTFS

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 1

5. Reserved Sectors: 0

6. Number of FAT's: 0

7. Root Dir Entries: 0

8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

15. Unused: 0x80 00 80 00

16. Total NTFS Sectors: 16001 (0x3E81)

17. MFT Start Cluster: 5334 (0x14D6)

18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 8000 (0x1F40)

19. Clusters per FRS: 2

20. Size per Index Buffer: 8

21. Serial Number: 0x0E7C8F307C8F121F

22. Checksum: 0x00000000

23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55

Are you and this Carlos (e-mail address removed) the same (colorada =
colorado)? because that's what I assumed and where I replied to ...


Carlos R. said:

I still have had no luck in connecting with you over email, so I hope
you will be able to find this post...

I performed the partitioninfo test as you suggested, and am pasting
the results below.

The paste is unsuccessful in keeping lines from wrapping, so if you
have a hard time reading I can try to send you the file in an email.

Just to recap, I've got this little 8MB partition at the start of the
that IS formatted NTFS, but what I am concerned about is the 186GB
partition (it is a "200GB" drive) that has seemingly vanished.


Warning: Logical drive chain points to sector without partition table.

Disk[1], Part[16065]: Info: MBR Partition Table not in sequential


Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector #
Sector Sectors

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- -
---------- ----------

NTFS Pri,Boot 114463.1 0 0
63 234420417

Unallocated Pri 7.8 None -
234420480 16065


Disk 1: 190779.7 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector #
Sector Sectors

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- -
---------- ----------

NTFS Pri 7.8 0 1
63 16002

ExtendedX Pri 190771.9 0 0
16065 390700800

EPBR Log 0.0 None -
16065 63

Unallocated Log 190771.8 None -
16128 390700737


Boot Sector for drive *: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 63, Type: NTFS


1. Jump: EB 52 90

2. OEM Name: NTFS

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 8

5. Reserved Sectors: 0

6. Number of FAT's: 0

7. Root Dir Entries: 0

8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

15. Unused: 0x80 00 80 00

16. Total NTFS Sectors: 234420416 (0xDF8F8C0)

17. MFT Start Cluster: 786432 (0xC0000)

18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 14651276 (0xDF8F8C)

19. Clusters per FRS: 246

20. Size per Index Buffer: 1

21. Serial Number: 0x2E28D61128D5D7C3

22. Checksum: 0x00000000

23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive *: Drive 2, Starting Sector: 63, Type: NTFS


1. Jump: EB 52 90

2. OEM Name: NTFS

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 1

5. Reserved Sectors: 0

6. Number of FAT's: 0

7. Root Dir Entries: 0

8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

15. Unused: 0x80 00 80 00

16. Total NTFS Sectors: 16001 (0x3E81)

17. MFT Start Cluster: 5334 (0x14D6)

18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 8000 (0x1F40)

19. Clusters per FRS: 2

20. Size per Index Buffer: 8

21. Serial Number: 0x0E7C8F307C8F121F

22. Checksum: 0x00000000

23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


I tried a program called iRecover to try diagnose the drive. This
iRecover program tells me that "there are invalid volumes encountered,
and they were discarded." The description says "Partition Table
records for one or more volumes are damaged. Impact: This volume(s)
are not shown in the list."

Since the partition table is 'troubled' have the program scan for partitions
instead. Alternatively you can use the option 'there was only one volume'
under the option 'manual' in the partition selection screen as this reflects
your situation if understand correctly (there was just ONE NTFS partition
When I check partitionInfo (outside of the regular PM program) and
select the drive in question, I get a pop-up error telling me that a
Disk Error was was detected on this drive, and to see the "errors:"
list for more details. I push "OK" and another message pops up
immediately, telling me that Disk Geometry error(s) were detected on
this drive. I push ok again.
I can paste the results but they are very long.

You are welcome to sent me the partinfo ([email protected]). If the
problem is really only partition table related it should be possible to fix
the drive. I can help you do that using freeware tools.

Kind regards,

D I Y D a t a R e c o v e r y . N L - Data & Disaster Recovery Tools

Please include previous correspondence!

DiskPatch - MBR, Partition, boot sector repair and recovery.
iRecover - FAT, FAT32 and NTFS data recovery.
MBRtool - Freeware MBR backup and restore.

Carlos R. said:

The summary:
The gist of this very long post is that I had a secondary FAT32 120GB
drive (just storage, no OS) that was full. I bought a 200GB drive
(with controller card). I installed the card and drive (in NTFS) and
it seemed to work. I transferred all the data from the 120 to the
200. I experienced some trouble deleting files off of the 120, so I
formatted it (to NTFS). WHAM. I get message saying my 200GB drive
has corrupt partition tables. I restart, and now I can't see the
drive letter. I tried a bunch of things that did not seem to fix my
problem. I write to this newsgroup for help!!!

The dirty details:
I am running XP Professional.

I had 2 Western Digital 120GB w/ 8MB cache drives, both nearly full,
both FAT32.

I purchased a 200GB WD drive, and it came with an ATA controller card
to allow for drives bigger than 137GB.

I installed the card, and plugged in the 200GB drive as a slave and
one of the 120GB drives (not the one with the OS) as the master, both
on the cable attached to the controller card.

I installed the drivers for the card/drive, and then formatted the new
drive as NTFS using Partition Magic boot disks.

I rebooted, and I could see the drive letter for the 200GB drive. I
transferred all my files from one of the 120GB drives over to the
200GB drive. I then deleted the files from the 120GB drive, and again
used partition magic to format in NTFS because I had been having
problems deleting, occasionally it would say that Explorer couldn't
find this or that file to delete. So that's why I just reformatted the
drive. I was able to access and use files from the new drive.

Now I am told that this new 200GB drive has a problem.

I would try to open the drive, and it would tell me that it was
corrupted (or something to that effect, I think the word "corrupted"
was used but am not sure now). I restarted, and now the drive letter
doesn't show up.

I went back to look at the partitions

NDD asks me if I want to fix the problem, that this will mean going
through and searching for DOS partiitons. It also warned me to back up
the drive first. But how can I back up without being able to see the
drive? So, perhaps unwisely, I went ahead with this, and it is
currently goign through every Head and cylinder. It's currently at the
7600th cylinder, and progressing slowly. It didn't seem to progress
too much so I stopped it.

I tried a program called iRecover to try diagnose the drive. This
iRecover program tells me that "there are invalid volumes encountered,
and they were discarded." The description says "Partition Table
records for one or more volumes are damaged. Impact: This volume(s)
are not shown in the list."

Partition Magic 8, run in Windows, tells me that I have a 131GB
partition, then a 59GB partition, in addition to the 8MB partition at
the start of the drive. I think that this is because Windows is having
a hard time recognizing it past the 133GB mark. When I run Partition
Magic off boot disks, it says just one ~190 partition (in addition to
the 8MB partition).

When I check partitionInfo (outside of the regular PM program) and
select the drive in question, I get a pop-up error telling me that a
Disk Error was was detected on this drive, and to see the "errors:"
list for more details. I push "OK" and another message pops up
immediately, telling me that Disk Geometry error(s) were detected on
this drive. I push ok again.
I can paste the results but they are very long.

I used Runtime's DiskExplorer in conjunction with GetDataBack for NTFS
and while it was scanning the unallocated partition I could see
recognizable file names scrolling past. This gives me hope!

This GetDataBack program by Runtime Software actually was able to read
the disk image I created. Unfortunately, only 60 of the transferred
100GB shows up, and a lot is crap, and file names for all the stuff I
may want are not preserved, and while there is some directory
structure, it's mainly for windows OS directories, 40 of the 60GB of
files are in a single directory with names that don't make sense.

It's a demo version, so I can't actually copy anything over, but I
have been able to look at a few of the pictures. I just wish I could
copy some files over before I shell out $80 to get a registration
number. sigh.

On further exploration, I think that the files are mostly garbage.
Probably segments of files, but very few complete. Even the photos I
can open are much smaller than they used to be (4Megapixel images down
to around 500x500 pixels).

On the other hand, maybe the reason why the files I have seen don't
look right is because I don't have enough space to make a complete
200GB disk image because I do not have a 2nd 200GB drive to use.

I would consider getting another big drive to make a clone of the
trouble drive. Do you think that this would help? Would it have to be
identical, or just equal or greater size?

I know this was a very long post, but if you have any questions or
need clarification please let me know. If you have any answers,
please let me know too!!!

yes, I am the same - I created the "" account to use for
posting to usenet, but none of the email accounts I've tried have
seemed to work... I'm sorry if I filled your mailbox up with messages,
but since I had neither received a response from you nor an automated
response that I had once received, plus also received notification of
errors with your account, I continued to send you emails and finally
post back here in hopes of finding you!!! I apologise for any

I am going to send you an email from my colorado account, with the
partition info attachment... please let me know if you do or don't
receive it!!!

Thanks, and sorry again for any inconvenience!!!


Joep said:

Are you and this Carlos (e-mail address removed) the same (colorada =
colorado)? because that's what I assumed and where I replied to ...


Carlos R. said:

I still have had no luck in connecting with you over email, so I hope
you will be able to find this post...

I performed the partitioninfo test as you suggested, and am pasting
the results below.

The paste is unsuccessful in keeping lines from wrapping, so if you
have a hard time reading I can try to send you the file in an email.

Just to recap, I've got this little 8MB partition at the start of the
that IS formatted NTFS, but what I am concerned about is the 186GB
partition (it is a "200GB" drive) that has seemingly vanished.


Warning: Logical drive chain points to sector without partition table.

Disk[1], Part[16065]: Info: MBR Partition Table not in sequential


Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector #
Sector Sectors

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- -
---------- ----------

NTFS Pri,Boot 114463.1 0 0
63 234420417

Unallocated Pri 7.8 None -
234420480 16065


Disk 1: 190779.7 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector #
Sector Sectors

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- -
---------- ----------

NTFS Pri 7.8 0 1
63 16002

ExtendedX Pri 190771.9 0 0
16065 390700800

EPBR Log 0.0 None -
16065 63

Unallocated Log 190771.8 None -
16128 390700737


Boot Sector for drive *: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 63, Type: NTFS


1. Jump: EB 52 90

2. OEM Name: NTFS

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 8

5. Reserved Sectors: 0

6. Number of FAT's: 0

7. Root Dir Entries: 0

8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

15. Unused: 0x80 00 80 00

16. Total NTFS Sectors: 234420416 (0xDF8F8C0)

17. MFT Start Cluster: 786432 (0xC0000)

18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 14651276 (0xDF8F8C)

19. Clusters per FRS: 246

20. Size per Index Buffer: 1

21. Serial Number: 0x2E28D61128D5D7C3

22. Checksum: 0x00000000

23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive *: Drive 2, Starting Sector: 63, Type: NTFS


1. Jump: EB 52 90

2. OEM Name: NTFS

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 1

5. Reserved Sectors: 0

6. Number of FAT's: 0

7. Root Dir Entries: 0

8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

15. Unused: 0x80 00 80 00

16. Total NTFS Sectors: 16001 (0x3E81)

17. MFT Start Cluster: 5334 (0x14D6)

18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 8000 (0x1F40)

19. Clusters per FRS: 2

20. Size per Index Buffer: 8

21. Serial Number: 0x0E7C8F307C8F121F

22. Checksum: 0x00000000

23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55

"Joep" <[email protected]> wrote in message

I tried a program called iRecover to try diagnose the drive. This
iRecover program tells me that "there are invalid volumes encountered,
and they were discarded." The description says "Partition Table
records for one or more volumes are damaged. Impact: This volume(s)
are not shown in the list."

Since the partition table is 'troubled' have the program scan for partitions
instead. Alternatively you can use the option 'there was only one volume'
under the option 'manual' in the partition selection screen as this reflects
your situation if understand correctly (there was just ONE NTFS partition

When I check partitionInfo (outside of the regular PM program) and
select the drive in question, I get a pop-up error telling me that a
Disk Error was was detected on this drive, and to see the "errors:"
list for more details. I push "OK" and another message pops up
immediately, telling me that Disk Geometry error(s) were detected on
this drive. I push ok again.
I can paste the results but they are very long.

You are welcome to sent me the partinfo ([email protected]). If the
problem is really only partition table related it should be possible to fix
the drive. I can help you do that using freeware tools.

Kind regards,

D I Y D a t a R e c o v e r y . N L - Data & Disaster Recovery Tools

Please include previous correspondence!

DiskPatch - MBR, Partition, boot sector repair and recovery.
iRecover - FAT, FAT32 and NTFS data recovery.
MBRtool - Freeware MBR backup and restore.


The summary:
The gist of this very long post is that I had a secondary FAT32 120GB
drive (just storage, no OS) that was full. I bought a 200GB drive
(with controller card). I installed the card and drive (in NTFS) and
it seemed to work. I transferred all the data from the 120 to the
200. I experienced some trouble deleting files off of the 120, so I
formatted it (to NTFS). WHAM. I get message saying my 200GB drive
has corrupt partition tables. I restart, and now I can't see the
drive letter. I tried a bunch of things that did not seem to fix my
problem. I write to this newsgroup for help!!!

The dirty details:
I am running XP Professional.

I had 2 Western Digital 120GB w/ 8MB cache drives, both nearly full,
both FAT32.

I purchased a 200GB WD drive, and it came with an ATA controller card
to allow for drives bigger than 137GB.

I installed the card, and plugged in the 200GB drive as a slave and
one of the 120GB drives (not the one with the OS) as the master, both
on the cable attached to the controller card.

I installed the drivers for the card/drive, and then formatted the new
drive as NTFS using Partition Magic boot disks.

I rebooted, and I could see the drive letter for the 200GB drive. I
transferred all my files from one of the 120GB drives over to the
200GB drive. I then deleted the files from the 120GB drive, and again
used partition magic to format in NTFS because I had been having
problems deleting, occasionally it would say that Explorer couldn't
find this or that file to delete. So that's why I just reformatted the
drive. I was able to access and use files from the new drive.

Now I am told that this new 200GB drive has a problem.

I would try to open the drive, and it would tell me that it was
corrupted (or something to that effect, I think the word "corrupted"
was used but am not sure now). I restarted, and now the drive letter
doesn't show up.

I went back to look at the partitions

NDD asks me if I want to fix the problem, that this will mean going
through and searching for DOS partiitons. It also warned me to back up
the drive first. But how can I back up without being able to see the
drive? So, perhaps unwisely, I went ahead with this, and it is
currently goign through every Head and cylinder. It's currently at the
7600th cylinder, and progressing slowly. It didn't seem to progress
too much so I stopped it.

I tried a program called iRecover to try diagnose the drive. This
iRecover program tells me that "there are invalid volumes encountered,
and they were discarded." The description says "Partition Table
records for one or more volumes are damaged. Impact: This volume(s)
are not shown in the list."

Partition Magic 8, run in Windows, tells me that I have a 131GB
partition, then a 59GB partition, in addition to the 8MB partition at
the start of the drive. I think that this is because Windows is having
a hard time recognizing it past the 133GB mark. When I run Partition
Magic off boot disks, it says just one ~190 partition (in addition to
the 8MB partition).

When I check partitionInfo (outside of the regular PM program) and
select the drive in question, I get a pop-up error telling me that a
Disk Error was was detected on this drive, and to see the "errors:"
list for more details. I push "OK" and another message pops up
immediately, telling me that Disk Geometry error(s) were detected on
this drive. I push ok again.
I can paste the results but they are very long.

I used Runtime's DiskExplorer in conjunction with GetDataBack for NTFS
and while it was scanning the unallocated partition I could see
recognizable file names scrolling past. This gives me hope!

This GetDataBack program by Runtime Software actually was able to read
the disk image I created. Unfortunately, only 60 of the transferred
100GB shows up, and a lot is crap, and file names for all the stuff I
may want are not preserved, and while there is some directory
structure, it's mainly for windows OS directories, 40 of the 60GB of
files are in a single directory with names that don't make sense.

It's a demo version, so I can't actually copy anything over, but I
have been able to look at a few of the pictures. I just wish I could
copy some files over before I shell out $80 to get a registration
number. sigh.

On further exploration, I think that the files are mostly garbage.
Probably segments of files, but very few complete. Even the photos I
can open are much smaller than they used to be (4Megapixel images down
to around 500x500 pixels).

On the other hand, maybe the reason why the files I have seen don't
look right is because I don't have enough space to make a complete
200GB disk image because I do not have a 2nd 200GB drive to use.

I would consider getting another big drive to make a clone of the
trouble drive. Do you think that this would help? Would it have to be
identical, or just equal or greater size?

I know this was a very long post, but if you have any questions or
need clarification please let me know. If you have any answers,
please let me know too!!!

I received the message below when I tried emailing you... do you have
another email address I could send the partition info to?

Sorry if I am turning into a nuisance, I feel as though I am with all these
emails... :(


Reporting-MTA: dns;
Received-From-MTA: DNS;
Arrival-Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 06:28:24 +0200

Final-Recipient: RFC822; <[email protected]>
Action: failed
Status: 5.3.0
Last-Attempt-Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 06:28:25 +0200

The original message was received at Tue, 2 Sep 2003 06:28:24 +0200 from []

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
<[email protected]>

----- Transcript of session follows -----

procmail: Quota exceeded while writing "/var/spool/mail/jsteen" 550
<[email protected]>... Can't create output

Carlos R. said:

yes, I am the same - I created the "" account to use for
posting to usenet, but none of the email accounts I've tried have
seemed to work... I'm sorry if I filled your mailbox up with messages,
but since I had neither received a response from you nor an automated
response that I had once received, plus also received notification of
errors with your account, I continued to send you emails and finally
post back here in hopes of finding you!!! I apologise for any

I am going to send you an email from my colorado account, with the
partition info attachment... please let me know if you do or don't
receive it!!!

Thanks, and sorry again for any inconvenience!!!


"Joep" <[email protected]> wrote in message

Are you and this Carlos (e-mail address removed) the same (colorada =
colorado)? because that's what I assumed and where I replied to ...


Carlos R. said:

I still have had no luck in connecting with you over email, so I hope
you will be able to find this post...

I performed the partitioninfo test as you suggested, and am pasting
the results below.

The paste is unsuccessful in keeping lines from wrapping, so if you
have a hard time reading I can try to send you the file in an email.

Just to recap, I've got this little 8MB partition at the start of the
that IS formatted NTFS, but what I am concerned about is the 186GB
partition (it is a "200GB" drive) that has seemingly vanished.


Warning: Logical drive chain points to sector without partition table.

Disk[1], Part[16065]: Info: MBR Partition Table not in sequential
Disk 0: 114471.0 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector #
Sector Sectors

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- -
---------- ----------

NTFS Pri,Boot 114463.1 0 0
63 234420417

Unallocated Pri 7.8 None -
234420480 16065
Disk 1: 190779.7 Megabytes

============================= Partition Information

Volume Partition Partition Start

Letter:Label Type Status Size MB Sector #
Sector Sectors

------------- --------------- -------- -------- ---------- -
---------- ----------

NTFS Pri 7.8 0 1
63 16002

ExtendedX Pri 190771.9 0 0
16065 390700800

EPBR Log 0.0 None -
16065 63

Unallocated Log 190771.8 None -
16128 390700737


Boot Sector for drive *: Drive 1, Starting Sector: 63, Type: NTFS


1. Jump: EB 52 90

2. OEM Name: NTFS

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 8

5. Reserved Sectors: 0

6. Number of FAT's: 0

7. Root Dir Entries: 0

8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

15. Unused: 0x80 00 80 00

16. Total NTFS Sectors: 234420416 (0xDF8F8C0)

17. MFT Start Cluster: 786432 (0xC0000)

18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 14651276 (0xDF8F8C)

19. Clusters per FRS: 246

20. Size per Index Buffer: 1

21. Serial Number: 0x2E28D61128D5D7C3

22. Checksum: 0x00000000

23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55


Boot Sector for drive *: Drive 2, Starting Sector: 63, Type: NTFS


1. Jump: EB 52 90

2. OEM Name: NTFS

3. Bytes Per Sector: 512

4. Sectors Per Cluster: 1

5. Reserved Sectors: 0

6. Number of FAT's: 0

7. Root Dir Entries: 0

8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8

10. Sectors Per FAT: 0

11. Sectors Per Track: 63 (0x3F)

12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)

13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)

14. Big Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)

15. Unused: 0x80 00 80 00

16. Total NTFS Sectors: 16001 (0x3E81)

17. MFT Start Cluster: 5334 (0x14D6)

18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 8000 (0x1F40)

19. Clusters per FRS: 2

20. Size per Index Buffer: 8

21. Serial Number: 0x0E7C8F307C8F121F

22. Checksum: 0x00000000

23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55

"Joep" <[email protected]> wrote in message

I tried a program called iRecover to try diagnose the drive. This
iRecover program tells me that "there are invalid volumes encountered,
and they were discarded." The description says "Partition Table
records for one or more volumes are damaged. Impact: This volume(s)
are not shown in the list."

Since the partition table is 'troubled' have the program scan for partitions
instead. Alternatively you can use the option 'there was only one volume'
under the option 'manual' in the partition selection screen as this reflects
your situation if understand correctly (there was just ONE NTFS partition

When I check partitionInfo (outside of the regular PM program) and
select the drive in question, I get a pop-up error telling me that a
Disk Error was was detected on this drive, and to see the "errors:"
list for more details. I push "OK" and another message pops up
immediately, telling me that Disk Geometry error(s) were detected on
this drive. I push ok again.
I can paste the results but they are very long.

You are welcome to sent me the partinfo ([email protected]).
problem is really only partition table related it should be possible
the drive. I can help you do that using freeware tools.

Kind regards,

D I Y D a t a R e c o v e r y . N L - Data & Disaster Recovery Tools

Please include previous correspondence!

DiskPatch - MBR, Partition, boot sector repair and recovery.
iRecover - FAT, FAT32 and NTFS data recovery.
MBRtool - Freeware MBR backup and restore.


The summary:
The gist of this very long post is that I had a secondary FAT32 120GB
drive (just storage, no OS) that was full. I bought a 200GB drive
(with controller card). I installed the card and drive (in NTFS) and
it seemed to work. I transferred all the data from the 120 to the
200. I experienced some trouble deleting files off of the 120, so I
formatted it (to NTFS). WHAM. I get message saying my 200GB drive
has corrupt partition tables. I restart, and now I can't see the
drive letter. I tried a bunch of things that did not seem to fix my
problem. I write to this newsgroup for help!!!

The dirty details:
I am running XP Professional.

I had 2 Western Digital 120GB w/ 8MB cache drives, both nearly full,
both FAT32.

I purchased a 200GB WD drive, and it came with an ATA controller card
to allow for drives bigger than 137GB.

I installed the card, and plugged in the 200GB drive as a slave and
one of the 120GB drives (not the one with the OS) as the master, both
on the cable attached to the controller card.

I installed the drivers for the card/drive, and then formatted the new
drive as NTFS using Partition Magic boot disks.

I rebooted, and I could see the drive letter for the 200GB drive. I
transferred all my files from one of the 120GB drives over to the
200GB drive. I then deleted the files from the 120GB drive, and again
used partition magic to format in NTFS because I had been having
problems deleting, occasionally it would say that Explorer couldn't
find this or that file to delete. So that's why I just reformatted the
drive. I was able to access and use files from the new drive.

Now I am told that this new 200GB drive has a problem.

I would try to open the drive, and it would tell me that it was
corrupted (or something to that effect, I think the word "corrupted"
was used but am not sure now). I restarted, and now the drive letter
doesn't show up.

I went back to look at the partitions

NDD asks me if I want to fix the problem, that this will mean going
through and searching for DOS partiitons. It also warned me to back up
the drive first. But how can I back up without being able to see the
drive? So, perhaps unwisely, I went ahead with this, and it is
currently goign through every Head and cylinder. It's currently at the
7600th cylinder, and progressing slowly. It didn't seem to progress
too much so I stopped it.

I tried a program called iRecover to try diagnose the drive. This
iRecover program tells me that "there are invalid volumes encountered,
and they were discarded." The description says "Partition Table
records for one or more volumes are damaged. Impact: This volume(s)
are not shown in the list."

Partition Magic 8, run in Windows, tells me that I have a 131GB
partition, then a 59GB partition, in addition to the 8MB partition at
the start of the drive. I think that this is because Windows is having
a hard time recognizing it past the 133GB mark. When I run Partition
Magic off boot disks, it says just one ~190 partition (in addition to
the 8MB partition).

When I check partitionInfo (outside of the regular PM program) and
select the drive in question, I get a pop-up error telling me that a
Disk Error was was detected on this drive, and to see the "errors:"
list for more details. I push "OK" and another message pops up
immediately, telling me that Disk Geometry error(s) were detected on
this drive. I push ok again.
I can paste the results but they are very long.

I used Runtime's DiskExplorer in conjunction with GetDataBack for NTFS
and while it was scanning the unallocated partition I could see
recognizable file names scrolling past. This gives me hope!

This GetDataBack program by Runtime Software actually was able to read
the disk image I created. Unfortunately, only 60 of the transferred
100GB shows up, and a lot is crap, and file names for all the stuff I
may want are not preserved, and while there is some directory
structure, it's mainly for windows OS directories, 40 of the 60GB of
files are in a single directory with names that don't make sense.

It's a demo version, so I can't actually copy anything over, but I
have been able to look at a few of the pictures. I just wish I could
copy some files over before I shell out $80 to get a registration
number. sigh.

On further exploration, I think that the files are mostly garbage.
Probably segments of files, but very few complete. Even the photos I
can open are much smaller than they used to be (4Megapixel images down
to around 500x500 pixels).

On the other hand, maybe the reason why the files I have seen don't
look right is because I don't have enough space to make a complete
200GB disk image because I do not have a 2nd 200GB drive to use.

I would consider getting another big drive to make a clone of the
trouble drive. Do you think that this would help? Would it have to be
identical, or just equal or greater size?

I know this was a very long post, but if you have any questions or
need clarification please let me know. If you have any answers,
please let me know too!!!
well, my mail server is flooded with virusses and replies from stupid virus
scanners that can't recognize a spoofed address. About 10 times a day a
apply a crude filter (filters: the Sobig subject lines, spoofed addreses,
and relayed mail) to get rid of those.

Another option is to post in my forum instead.


Carlos R said:

I received the message below when I tried emailing you... do you have
another email address I could send the partition info to?

Sorry if I am turning into a nuisance, I feel as though I am with all these
emails... :(


Reporting-MTA: dns;
Received-From-MTA: DNS;
Arrival-Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 06:28:24 +0200

Final-Recipient: RFC822; <[email protected]>
Action: failed
Status: 5.3.0
Last-Attempt-Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 06:28:25 +0200

The original message was received at Tue, 2 Sep 2003 06:28:24 +0200 from []

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
<[email protected]>

----- Transcript of session follows -----

procmail: Quota exceeded while writing "/var/spool/mail/jsteen" 550
<[email protected]>... Can't create output

Carlos R. said:

yes, I am the same - I created the "" account to use for
posting to usenet, but none of the email accounts I've tried have
seemed to work... I'm sorry if I filled your mailbox up with messages,
but since I had neither received a response from you nor an automated
response that I had once received, plus also received notification of
errors with your account, I continued to send you emails and finally
post back here in hopes of finding you!!! I apologise for any

I am going to send you an email from my colorado account, with the
partition info attachment... please let me know if you do or don't
receive it!!!

Thanks, and sorry again for any inconvenience!!!


"Joep" <[email protected]> wrote in message

Are you and this Carlos (e-mail address removed) the same (colorada =
colorado)? because that's what I assumed and where I replied to ...



I still have had no luck in connecting with you over email, so I hope
you will be able to find this post...

I performed the partitioninfo test as you suggested, and am pasting
the results below.

The paste is unsuccessful in keeping lines from wrapping, so if you
have a hard time reading I can try to send you the file in an email.

Just to recap, I've got this little 8MB partition at the start of the
that IS formatted NTFS, but what I am concerned about is the 186GB
partition (it is a "200GB" drive) that has seemingly vanished.


Warning: Logical drive chain points to sector without partition table.

Disk[1], Part[16065]: Info: MBR Partition Table not in sequential
======================================================================================================================================================== that