mike^a said:
Your the one how needs to get a clue...! if the think for
even one NY min. that what was posted "you seem awfully
nervous and paranoid about being watched" or "you are
that afraid of losing your job, perhaps another vocation
is what you" or "your doing something wrong" is helpful
you need help yourself. That was nothing more that
sarcastic and you know it, and for your info this is a
real problem
I posted it, it was not meant as sarcasm.
You would never ask somone other than your boss or your IT Staff about a
change in your company computer unless you were paranoid about being watched
and/or thought there being some consequence for asking them. The only other
possibility would be that you did not know you could ask your boss/IT Staff
about this - but seeing as most people have had their IT staff notified of
SPAM email, virus alerts, why they cannot send email to a certain person,
why can they not open this file or they erased this file or a multitude of
other issues - I doubt that one.
Why else would you ask total strangers if your boss was spying on you other
than being paranoid about something you have done, planned on doing, etc?
If you had not done anything, then why would you hesitate to ask someone
else in the company (even peers) if they had noticed changes like you had
UNLESS you are just normally paranoid?
Essentially - my point was to get the OP to ask the proper people - the ONLY
people who could answer their question accurately - coworkers, boss, IT
Staff at their company.
If you want an accurate answer to your question from a complete stranger,
here it is:
I have NO IDEA if your boss is spying on you. The changes (and you'll
notice in my original response - the cause for what the op is seeing was
pointed out in text.. they were added to a domain) you see does not mean you
are being spied on - they simply mean your IT Staff got a clue and added you
and everyone else to a domain structure for easier user and computer
management. Could they mean they are spying on you? Sure - but it would
also mean they suck at it - after all, spying means "to seek or observe
something secretly and closely", notice "secretly" being in there - you
noticing a difference is far from being a secret. If they were spying on
you and wanted to cover their tracks, they could have told you they were
"making computer changes and here is what you would notice", but if they did
that - I doubt you would have come here to ask if your boss was spying on
As for the OPs response to me - let me respond in kind(to your repsponse)
that I can now see why you asked. I jumped to no conclusions - I asked
questions. You got instantly defensive at the questions. I suppose that is
your perogative. I answered your question in a technical manner - one that
told you exactly what changes the IT Staff could have made for you to see
what you are seeing. I also asked why you had not asked those you work with
(who would know) what the changes were all about. Seeing as you chose to
resort to name calling as opposed to answering questions - perhaps you are
not paranoid - perhaps they are really out to get you.