Is my boss spying on me

  • Thread starter Thread starter mike^a
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My logon screen has changed. It was when I turned on the
pc I got three names MY NAME, ANMIN, and SUE my and sue
bouth use the PC. Now I get a srceen that makes me hit
Alt-Ctrl-Delete after doing so I get anther screen were i
have to key my USER NAME / and PASSWORD and below that
there this an option "a drop down list" to logon to. One
said 102-12 (This Cumputer) and one said "User Offices" a
domain I think we are to logon to the "User Offices".
What is the for? How was this changed can I change it
back? What would happen if I loged on uder (This Computer)
and What is the Good/bad of this new logon?
Please make an appointment with your boss or
IT manager and ask them the questions you posted here.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| My logon screen has changed. It was when I turned on the
| pc I got three names MY NAME, ANMIN, and SUE my and sue
| bouth use the PC. Now I get a srceen that makes me hit
| Alt-Ctrl-Delete after doing so I get anther screen were i
| have to key my USER NAME / and PASSWORD and below that
| there this an option "a drop down list" to logon to. One
| said 102-12 (This Cumputer) and one said "User Offices" a
| domain I think we are to logon to the "User Offices".
| What is the for? How was this changed can I change it
| back? What would happen if I loged on uder (This Computer)
| and What is the Good/bad of this new logon?
mike^a said:
My logon screen has changed. It was when I turned on the
pc I got three names MY NAME, ANMIN, and SUE my and sue
bouth use the PC. Now I get a srceen that makes me hit
Alt-Ctrl-Delete after doing so I get anther screen were i
have to key my USER NAME / and PASSWORD and below that
there this an option "a drop down list" to logon to. One
said 102-12 (This Cumputer) and one said "User Offices" a
domain I think we are to logon to the "User Offices".
What is the for? How was this changed can I change it
back? What would happen if I loged on uder (This Computer)
and What is the Good/bad of this new logon?

First - why are you afraid of your boss/IT staff? Ask them directly and if
you are that afraid of losing your job, perhaps another vocation is what you

Alternatively - are you doing anything that warrants being spied on?
Meaning - you seem awfully nervous and paranoid about being watched - people
with nothing to hide shouldn't feel either of those things to the extreme
you are now (asking a public newsgroup published all over the world and
available to be read by anyone with Internet access) - is your "doing
something wrong" what is warranting your fear of being fired if you ask your
boss/IT staff what these changes are?

The simple technical answer to your question is your IT staff finally
decided (and it's a good thing for security) to implement a centralized
logon system. This means they have decided to make their life easier and
their company more secure. Your machine was joined to a domain. Once
joined to the domain, the cutesy XP Welcome screen went away and was
replaced with the more business like logon from Windows NT/2000. Simple as
that. As for their reasoning behind that - security, flexibility/control.
They likely have other reasons, ask them and find out. Don't be a drone.
Nobody said I was afraid of getting fired ASS!! "YOU" and
on one said I was "doing something wrong". But when you
go to work for 26 Years and now see something that you
never seen before you ask WHY. I did not ask my Boss
because if he was spying on me he would not want me to
know. "If he did he would had told me before doing so"

Someone does not have to be doing something wrong to not
like being sped on ASS "YOU" Would you like me to sneak
into your house at night when you and your family where
sleeping and stand in your bedroom and look at you sleep,
lay down in the bake of your car so you can not see me as
you go to your mothers house on a Sunday. If that would
bather you then under your though you must be "doing
something wrong".

And "why would I be asking this in a public newsgroup
published all over the world and
available to be read by anyone with Internet access"
because that is what this public newsgroup is for
ASS "YOU" Please do us all in this public newsgroup a
favor and think before you type ASS and by now even you
should be clear on this

Just like you jumped to an unreasonable conclusion by not
knowing all the facts so could my and your and all of are
----Original Message-----
Is the boss spying on you?

Follow 12 tips to help keep your privacy at work:

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| My logon screen has changed. It was when I turned on the
| pc I got three names MY NAME, ANMIN, and SUE my and sue
| bouth use the PC. Now I get a srceen that makes me hit
| Alt-Ctrl-Delete after doing so I get anther screen were i
| have to key my USER NAME / and PASSWORD and below that
| there this an option "a drop down list" to logon to. One
| said 102-12 (This Cumputer) and one said "User Offices" a
| domain I think we are to logon to the "User Offices".
| What is the for? How was this changed can I change it
| back? What would happen if I loged on uder (This Computer)
| and What is the Good/bad of this new logon?
Dude, get a clue! should be greatful for any replies to your stupid
How about showing at least some appreciation for the people who wasted their
valuable time on responding to this nonsense.
If your boss was spying on you, I'm sure he'd make sure that nothing would
be noticably different (to your untrained eye) on your PC - otherwise he'd
be defeating the purpose.
The newsgroups are for people with real problems - yours isn't the case.
Stop calling people who are helping you (whether you choose to believe it or
not) names.
Your the one how needs to get a clue...! if the think for
even one NY min. that what was posted "you seem awfully
nervous and paranoid about being watched" or "you are
that afraid of losing your job, perhaps another vocation
is what you" or "your doing something wrong" is helpful
you need help yourself. That was nothing more that
sarcastic and you know it, and for your info this is a
real problem
mike^a said:
Your the one how needs to get a clue...! if the think for
even one NY min. that what was posted "you seem awfully
nervous and paranoid about being watched" or "you are
that afraid of losing your job, perhaps another vocation
is what you" or "your doing something wrong" is helpful
you need help yourself. That was nothing more that
sarcastic and you know it, and for your info this is a
real problem

I posted it, it was not meant as sarcasm.

You would never ask somone other than your boss or your IT Staff about a
change in your company computer unless you were paranoid about being watched
and/or thought there being some consequence for asking them. The only other
possibility would be that you did not know you could ask your boss/IT Staff
about this - but seeing as most people have had their IT staff notified of
SPAM email, virus alerts, why they cannot send email to a certain person,
why can they not open this file or they erased this file or a multitude of
other issues - I doubt that one.

Why else would you ask total strangers if your boss was spying on you other
than being paranoid about something you have done, planned on doing, etc?
If you had not done anything, then why would you hesitate to ask someone
else in the company (even peers) if they had noticed changes like you had
UNLESS you are just normally paranoid?

Essentially - my point was to get the OP to ask the proper people - the ONLY
people who could answer their question accurately - coworkers, boss, IT
Staff at their company.

If you want an accurate answer to your question from a complete stranger,
here it is:

I have NO IDEA if your boss is spying on you. The changes (and you'll
notice in my original response - the cause for what the op is seeing was
pointed out in text.. they were added to a domain) you see does not mean you
are being spied on - they simply mean your IT Staff got a clue and added you
and everyone else to a domain structure for easier user and computer
management. Could they mean they are spying on you? Sure - but it would
also mean they suck at it - after all, spying means "to seek or observe
something secretly and closely", notice "secretly" being in there - you
noticing a difference is far from being a secret. If they were spying on
you and wanted to cover their tracks, they could have told you they were
"making computer changes and here is what you would notice", but if they did
that - I doubt you would have come here to ask if your boss was spying on

As for the OPs response to me - let me respond in kind(to your repsponse)
that I can now see why you asked. I jumped to no conclusions - I asked
questions. You got instantly defensive at the questions. I suppose that is
your perogative. I answered your question in a technical manner - one that
told you exactly what changes the IT Staff could have made for you to see
what you are seeing. I also asked why you had not asked those you work with
(who would know) what the changes were all about. Seeing as you chose to
resort to name calling as opposed to answering questions - perhaps you are
not paranoid - perhaps they are really out to get you.
mike^a said:
Your the one how needs to get a clue...! if the think for
even one NY min. that what was posted "you seem awfully
nervous and paranoid about being watched" or "you are
that afraid of losing your job, perhaps another vocation
is what you" or "your doing something wrong" is helpful
you need help yourself. That was nothing more that
sarcastic and you know it, and for your info this is a
real problem

Shenan said:
I posted it, it was not meant as sarcasm.

You would never ask somone other than your boss or your IT Staff
about a change in your company computer unless you were paranoid
about being watched and/or thought there being some consequence for
asking them. The only other possibility would be that you did not
know you could ask your boss/IT Staff about this - but seeing as most
people have had their IT staff notified of SPAM email, virus alerts,
why they cannot send email to a certain person, why can they not open
this file or they erased this file or a multitude of other issues - I
doubt that one.

Why else would you ask total strangers if your boss was spying on you
other than being paranoid about something you have done, planned on
doing, etc? If you had not done anything, then why would you hesitate
to ask someone else in the company (even peers) if they had noticed
changes like you had UNLESS you are just normally paranoid?

Essentially - my point was to get the OP to ask the proper people -
the ONLY people who could answer their question accurately -
coworkers, boss, IT Staff at their company.

If you want an accurate answer to your question from a complete
stranger, here it is:

I have NO IDEA if your boss is spying on you. The changes (and you'll
notice in my original response - the cause for what the op is seeing
was pointed out in text.. they were added to a domain) you see does
not mean you are being spied on - they simply mean your IT Staff got
a clue and added you and everyone else to a domain structure for
easier user and computer management. Could they mean they are spying
on you? Sure - but it would also mean they suck at it - after all,
spying means "to seek or observe something secretly and closely",
notice "secretly" being in there - you noticing a difference is far
from being a secret. If they were spying on you and wanted to cover
their tracks, they could have told you they were "making computer
changes and here is what you would notice", but if they did that - I
doubt you would have come here to ask if your boss was spying on you.

As for the OPs response to me - let me respond in kind(to your
repsponse) that I can now see why you asked. I jumped to no
conclusions - I asked questions. You got instantly defensive at the
questions. I suppose that is your perogative. I answered your
question in a technical manner - one that told you exactly what
changes the IT Staff could have made for you to see what you are
seeing. I also asked why you had not asked those you work with (who
would know) what the changes were all about. Seeing as you chose to
resort to name calling as opposed to answering questions - perhaps
you are not paranoid - perhaps they are really out to get you.

Allow me to add one more thing.

The OP also responding asking if I would like it if someone came to my home
at night and watched me sleep - would I be paranoid to ask about that?

Completely different than the situation you asked about. Unless you work at
a strange place - your company owns the computer you are using and most of
the furniture around it. They pay you to do a job and pay for the utilities
(electricity, water, heat, A/C) for you to do it. You are using their
property to be an agent for them. At home you are on your property using
your means to accomplish what you want.

Again - I doubt they are spying on you and have explained how the changes
you see would come about through normal IT Staff changes (twice now) - but
unless you have something to hide or be worried about - ask them - no one
here (other than maybe those representing your IT staff and boss) would
Shenan Stanley said:
I posted it, it was not meant as sarcasm." but it was
sarcasm and again ask this new group because that is what
it is for and you know that there is not a clear answer
to my Q. but I did not know that there could have been so
many diff.things "That Is Why I Asked" ps do you still
have "pup.exe" and "over.exe" in your 'Programs' folder
because you mite now
mike^a said:
My logon screen has changed. It was when I turned on the
pc I got three names MY NAME, ANMIN, and SUE my and sue
bouth use the PC. Now I get a srceen that makes me hit
Alt-Ctrl-Delete after doing so I get anther screen were i
have to key my USER NAME / and PASSWORD and below that
there this an option "a drop down list" to logon to. One
said 102-12 (This Cumputer) and one said "User Offices" a
domain I think we are to logon to the "User Offices".
What is the for? How was this changed can I change it
back? What would happen if I loged on uder (This Computer)
and What is the Good/bad of this new logon?

mike^a said:
...and you know that there is not a clear answer
to my Q. but I did not know that there could have been so
many diff.things "That Is Why I Asked" ps do you still
have "pup.exe" and "over.exe" in your 'Programs' folder
because you mite now

The latter question - I have no idea what you are speaking of - you should
perform your newsgroup search again.

The first question you asked, there is a clear-cut answer..

The pretty WELCOME screen logon for your Windows XP computer at work went
away and the alternative domain (drop down list of what to logon to) exists
now because your computer was recently joined to a domain. Now, more than
before, your IT staff does have the ability to spy on you. They, if worth
their salt, could have done that anyway - as they obviously already had
remote/local administrative access to your PC before or they could not have
joined it to the domain.

Are they? Likely not - most IT staff people have better things to do with
their time. They will do it if they are presented with a court order and
they might do it without one if the boss requests it and they do not know
the law/company policies that well.

I would tell you to enable your firewall, and change your password - but a
good computer admin can get past that too. Maybe file encryption with a
third party application might help you, if you can still install
applications. However, anything you transmit over the network (intranet or
internet) can be seen and recorded by your network administrator. Some of
it may already be encrypted, much of it will not.

If your company has proxy servers, what you can do at work may already be
greatly limited. They may start enforcing even more limitations now that
they have put your PC in a domain. If you want to know what they are doing,
you should ask - as you should have in the first place.
The only ones that can answer the question with the very limited
information you gave is your boss and IT department.

Your continual insults here may be indicative of a reason why your
boss/IT department may want to watch what you do with their equipment.
Yes, along with a few sarcastic comments (which are well deserved, btw), you
were given a solution. For your info this thread is a waste of everyone's
time. Good Bye!