Is Microsoft going to Charge for updates???



I was just talking with my Boss and I mentioned to him that I had seen a
couple of posts on here that mentioned the thought that Microsoft might start
charging for updates and patches? Our thought is how can they charge for
updates that are flaws in the original operating system that we paid for? I
MS does have the right start to charging for updates and patches for programs
and devices that have problems because that is not their fault. Well all you
MVP's let me know if this is a coming reality or if it is just hearsay.
Thank you.


Kemco IT Professional


Kemco said:
I was just talking with my Boss and I mentioned to him that I had seen a
couple of posts on here that mentioned the thought that Microsoft might start
charging for updates and patches? Our thought is how can they charge for
updates that are flaws in the original operating system that we paid for? I
MS does have the right start to charging for updates and patches for programs
and devices that have problems because that is not their fault. Well all you
MVP's let me know if this is a coming reality or if it is just hearsay.
Thank you.


Kemco IT Professional

Not true.



Microsoft has never charged for any critical updates to their software and I
seriously doubt they ever will.


Carey said:
Microsoft has never charged for any critical updates to their software and I
seriously doubt they ever will.

But if they do, you'll support it all the way, won't you?



Bob said:
That was a posting by a known whacko.

I missed it. Was it Carey, Leythos, or Jupiter? Those are three
biggest whackos in this group.

Kurt Kirsch
Self-anointed Moderator
"It'll soon shake your Windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'."


OK WTF! I check this newsgroup through the web not through the email so I
see all the helpful raitings and such. I have long assumed that Carey gives
himself the Helpful green checkmark circle but have never been able to know
for sure. This time I do know for sure because I surely didn't give him it
and in fact I didn't even ask a question it was just a comment!


I missed it. Was it Carey, Leythos, or Jupiter? Those are three
biggest whackos in this group.

Don't forget yourself Kurt, you almost never post anything except
tinfoil hat information and snide remarks, where the others at least try
and help most of the time.


Leythos said:
Don't forget yourself Kurt,

Why? I know I didn't post that MS is gonna charge for updates.
you almost never post anything except
tinfoil hat information and snide remarks, where the others at least
try and help most of the time.

LOL! Typical rightard, using the "tinfoil hat" BS. Ya'll gotta learn
some new put downs!

Kurt Kirsch
Self-anointed Moderator
"It'll soon shake your Windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'."


kurttrail said:
Why? I know I didn't post that MS is gonna charge for updates.

LOL! Typical rightard, using the "tinfoil hat" BS. Ya'll gotta learn
some new put downs!

Kuuurt, have you been reading alt.politics again? You know it's no good
for you...

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